Tuesday, May 26, 2015

ScumFlash: Veriz finally gets her Revenge

Yes, yes, it has been a while. But really, this blog still works. It just needs some TLC (no Betty, not Total Lunatic Creatures... Tender Love and Care) to come fully alive again. As long as there is Scum, the Scumbase will be just around the corner, ready to stab you all in the back when you are not looking. (kinda hard to do it any other way ofcoruse...)

So let me be the first to attempt to create some content again. And really, you are all welcome to participate, no strings attached (unless AAylia gets in a funny mood again... but then again... not like not doing anything on this blog will stop her from that...).

Anyway... Remember Veriz? Our redhaired one stop shop at Christmas?

And again around Easter, when we threw her a surprise birthdayparty and pretty much filled her mailbox with green lines of congratulation (hahaha, green mails, I keep forgetting that you Scum are such a nice bunch of bleeding hearts).

Well, she didn't forget us. Or should I say she didn't forget me (but then who could possibly forget the Scumlord). Ever since her suprise birthdayparty she has been on a mission to repay me for the kindness, filling my mailbox with green lines and helping me getting closer to my next Gladiator Medal.

Well, she finally did it! She beat me, and actually took a picture of the joyfull event this time (look at me smile). Gratz Veriz and here is the blogpost i promised you. You are always welcome to visit whenever you want. Just bring some booze next time. Scum likes booze!