well a bunch of things for the update today.
Today was a day in which I had blood work, saw the doc and then had one of my easy days of chemotherapy.
The bloodwork went smoothly, the vampire took a smooth blood draw with little pain. All the numbers were within acceptable limits which was a very good thing. It was also expected after a week with no chemo at all.
Meeting with the doctor I let him know that Saturday night, while tired, I had serious tremors in my right hand, to the point where I could not hold anything. There was no pain but having your dominant hand and arm being spastic is seldom a good thing.
In addition I asked the doctor when we would be doing testing to see how the chemo is effecting the cancer in my body. He had a short answer but no solid time line. The answer was that we will be doing CT scans of my afflicted systems.. which basically means looking at CT scans from my hips all the way to my throat, with and without contrast. In addition, due to my right arm having had a spasm, he is also ordering up MRI of my brain to ensure that I am not experiencing a low probability side effect of a growth in my brain which could cause a localized seizure. The timing for this is in the next few weeks.
For the rest of this week, I finish out a week of my hard chemo timing - tomorrow is 5-7 hours of hard chemo and Friday is a rehydration.
Each of the following two weeks I get easy chemo weeks, then I get another week of no chemo. Unfortunately this will bring me up to the week of Thanksgiving. Due to holidays and such, on the week of Thanksgiving, I end up (barring bad blood test results) undergoing a hard chemo week which means that Monday I do soft chemo,Tuesday I get the hard chemo, Wednesday I get rehydration. Luckily, the antinausea meds that they include on the hard chemo days should still be active on Thursday's Turkey day with my family. :)
Will obviously let you know about the imaging when that is scheduled and the results of that