Sunday, August 28, 2011

Being an admin is not easy ...

Ghettoforce is not the easiest of bosses: he's picky, he likes things "just so" and I often get up in the morning, bleary-eyed and wander over to my computer because my MSN is making repeated musical noises. Well, okay, if truth be told, at that time of day, I don't really think of it as music so much as blaring and honking.  Kind of like the morning commute in Calgary used to be.  Now, don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that I don't appreciate his comments and wake up messages. I like my bosses to know what they want.  It's just that he's about to sit down to dinner and is WIDE AWAKE and ... I ... I am not.

This morning, we had issues with the website displaying only one post on the front page.  When I went to bed last night, everything was working.  Well, except Zimmi's ability to comment, but that was on my agenda to get fixed today. 

I spent two hours trying to find answers before posting my problem on the blogger website.  Instead of doing housework.  Now, I'm not sure if I should thank or spank Ghetto.  Pretty sure I know which he'd pick.  Spanking, however, is the domain of Mistress Aaylia, so I'll just hand him over now.

Turns out that Ghetto did one of the ultimate no-nos in posting when he edited my Are we having fun yet post ... dragging and dropping a picture (Fluffy) from his hard drive, instead of using the upload link. What that does, apparently, is bring the entire page code over as well ... which results in TMI (too much information) which breaks the coding for the page and becomes TMFI (too much f****g information) real quick.

This is our resulting conversation on MSN.  I am Vahe (my main WoW character)

Zimmi's problem has been fixed by an alteration to the way comments work.  You'll get a pop-up box for comments now, rather than seeing them embedded under the post.  Not my preferred way of seeing them, but apparently, the layers upon layers of code required to see comments under posts make them especially easy to make them "brokseded."  Hope you don't mind.


  1. Glad it is fixed, apart from the fact i didn't do what you described, at all... ;-)

  2. checking to see if this works for me too now...

  3. LOL. Ghetto. <3

    And ... glad you're back posting again, Zizi.

  4. And I'm not demanding at all..

    Btw, we really need another fix for the posting problem, because these popups are UgLee
