Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Otay yer scum, ahma gunna try dis. Ya let me knows iffn yas gets it k?

Last in between Bloodshadow "decoratin" GBoss' throne, we be werkin hard ta improve ourselves. We dun did it so good dat at one point we was 'heada da Endless vermin too far to git benefit frum trouncing dem inta dinner. Dat was easily remedied.

We be missin one scum badly with the alien apparently abducted, lets hope NOT for a probing and implantation of any satellite dishes, lessen it improves our receptions.

Lots of attention has been being paid to our scrapbooks with our overall stamp collections rising quickly. Keepa focusin on da lowlifes til yer full and den start werkin yer way up. Don't worry too much, mosta da lowlifes are less trouble den the rats that ah slips into Chef Greyhawk's stews fer flavorin.

New officers elected, Iola werkin onna blog rather den us scribblin in da dirt and other 'chievements. We be marchin forwards.. or GBoss'll grill us before havin us walk da plank or wotteffer it is he be doin.

fer da record da numbers were:
  • Total levels of scum: 10,291 (+81! over last week)

  • Average Scum was Jmardo at 204, (2 bedder den last week)

  • Stampbook completion? 75.98%.. coming right along. 'Member, da Gboss wants us up rounds about 90% or hecklin will ensue!

Dat's it fer now so Ah can gets back to da bilge!


  1. I wouldn't grill you scum... got Duncan for that!

  2. And a big congrats to Quilp for his 275th birthday!
