Friday, September 30, 2011

Hey there, Kamisama here for our weekly cultural development post. This week I would like to approach the crazy side of Japanese people, the Garu genre.

Now these people are like the Japanese emo, to the extreme. They got these insane hair cuts, all colored up, with random clothes and a deep tan skin like they've been under the sun for years.

Scary Stuff Right There

For a long time, the Garu genre was exclusively for girls. But now, it seems that even the guys are getting into the trend, although possibly under another name.

Even Scarier Stuff

People like these are usually harmless. It is unwise to feed them, as they tend to stick around afterwards. They're usually not that smart, too, as they are mainly dropouts in search of an identity. It is safe to assume that 99% of them return to normal society around 20-21 years old.

They're funny... XD

Oh guys, see you all next week !


  1. Are you sure about that, Kami? I mean ... Ghetto rocked the glam growning up .. but he never returned to normal.

  2. I did no such thing...

    What scares me is the idea of those groups meeting up and... *glup* make babies... Or is that how pokemon started back in the day?

  3. Nah, those boys are cuuuuuute. I wonder if anyone of them would care to be my cabana boy?

  4. You gotta wonder how fried their hair is.. how much gel and hairspray is used. I bet they put the 'big hair' of the 80s to shame with how much hair product goes into them becoming a garu.
