Wednesday, September 07, 2011

When you're a discerning orc ....

... such as Nargoth, just what do you wear for shuffles between the kitchen for popcorn and the guild rec room for late night horror films?

Why .. these, of course.

Found 'em under the coffee table. Or as close to 'under' as slippers that big could get. I gotta say, Nargoth, they're rather smelly. Perhaps you could make sure they stay in your room? Or near Alyxyn's bilge .. he'd like that.


  1. Wow... did that picture of narc really had to be that big? Those slippers do even look better then him...

  2. And the truth is, I look like this in real life too!

  3. No Nargoth -- you forgot to channel that inner woman that I first met ...

  4. No need to scare our readers more then they already are Narc. Or we will get sued for loss of sleep next...
