Thursday, October 13, 2011

Today's pages are an homage to the damoiselle denizen of the dark .. The Goth Chick.

In her website, Goth Stereotypes (An Illustrated Guide to Goth Types), Megan Balanck has identified no less than twenty-three different types of goth chicks.

From Steampunk and Cybergoth to Gothabilly and Metalhead, we've all met them or at ogled at them from a seat on the bus.  She provides descriptive text on each of the types and its an interesting read.

I pulled some pictures from the internet to share with you and the thing that struck me was that most of these women aren't into the put-it-on-and-live-with-the-same-smeared-black-eyeshadow-for-days crack addict look.

Or at least, fashion houses and various websites would have us believe that there is a way to get your glam goth on.  While some of the pictures below are from fashion forward places like Dolce & Gabbana, some of these are pulled from the websites of normal people who just like the look.

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