Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Not to scare my one reader away, I have decided against another round of Dutch music and will go for something else: Elbow.

Now I must admit I had never heard of this band until I heard the song Grounds for Divorce on KinK FM. I will start off with this clip, although this song is actually not really in the same style as the rest of the album.

Grounds for Divorce

I got the album and it's really one of the best albums that has come out in that year (2008). The band itself hails from England and formed in 1990. Together they have made 5 albums but the last one wasn't up to par with the 4th one, The Seldom Seen Kid.

I will now present you with one of their finest songs. You can take your ladyfriend out to dinner on this song.


And since I can't stop the sappiness, here is their best-known track.

One Day Like This

And because I can, here is my all-time favourite of them.

An Audience With The Pope

That's it for this week! Hope you all enjoyed it some. Join me next time, because I have still a lot of music left.



  1. Elbow is one of those bands I'm not sure what to think of them, so I'll reply about that later.

    But the title "an audience with the pope" triggered something. I present to you, one of the shortest songs in the history of music.

    So if anyone tells you there is no message in metal, just point them towards this song. =)

  2. And it seems Ghetto is my one reader. ^.^

  3. Well, for now only poster anyway. Scum forgot there even was a Wednesday column. Besides, it is thanksgiving. I have the feeling we either get a LOT of posts, or none at all in the next couple of days ;-)

  4. Anyway, I promised an on topic reply. So here it is. I've seen these guys perform a couple of times. Well, I never saw a complete show because I find them a bit boring. They have a couple of great songs (like grounds for divorce) but IMHO the most of their repertoire sucks.

    They always enter the stage like they're great rockstars (come on guys you're no Muse or Placebo...) while most of their songs are more like easy listening. And that annoys the hell out of me. Lucky for me, on the festivals I frequent, there are always fun bands playing in the same timeslot as these guys. And if not, then it is a VERY good moment to get beer or soulfood!

    To sum it up. This currently seems to be the taste of the masses, definitely not mine though (I wish they did more like grounds for divorce). Give me the Dutch band "Go back to the Zoo" any time of the day (as long as the singer doesn't do his stupid swimming act...)

  5. Go Back to the Zoo /is/ fun, indeed!
