Monday, December 12, 2011

Week Ending Dec 11, 2011

A bedraggled gobbo drags himself outta his warm snuggly bed which has been littered with tissues to pound out yet another edition of the Bilgewater Bulletin.

"Sorrah y'll diz iz gunna be a short one. Da Green Menace aint so menacin tahday since he'z come down wit sumtin himsef un iz mostlah confined tah hiz nezt til hez bettah.

"Diz week we reclaimed da numbah one un seem tah be holding it. Diz is helped greatly bah ahr high click in rate un Endless missing several in deyr own click in. Eetz a lessin in how important click in iz in diz game o' bein numbah 1. Numbah 2 may not be bad, but it still smellz. Take it frum someone in da bilge.

"Anudder component of stayin on top iz improvin ahr game. Sadly in diz area, we sorta suffahed dis week, maybah too busee shoppin fer ahr loved ones fer da holidaze. On average we barely managed to exceed one lebel o' growth. Top perfermer here diz week wuz
Akhdar and Melange with 3 lebels gained. Ah aint muchah a coach 'bouts it but keep lookin fer da max exp per minute o' quest tahm un rack up dem lebels. Endless is out dere un dey gots lotsa high ranks fer us to swat. Deze lebels also be important fer da raids to ensure we kin kip dishin out on dem mangy mobs.

"In da Arena rankings dere are allays lots movement. Dis week, fer instance,
Pizzar improved tah rank 56, a 4 ranking improvement. Further down in the ranks larger improvements continue, such as AAylia raising 12 ranks to 102, Kossar raising 33 ranks to 357, Akhdar improving by 42 to reach 464 and Gruel breaking 500 by raising 27 to hit 493.

"Seems like most everyone haz put dere stampbooks away for a while with an average change only being .08. However there are a couple of scum still working on gittin better.
Kossar got a full percent better un Farkentje gots .82 better. Others were doing some werk on dere's but it be slowing down prolly mostlah cuz so many uf us is well inta da 95% club.

"Okay y'all.. dat's it fer nows un ah off agin. Iffen ya gots extra boxes o' clean tishoo, please drop dem off in da bilge. Iffen ya onlah gots used tishoo.. keep it, ah gots plentah.

... Week ending Dember 11, 2011


  1. >> Numbah 2 may not be bad, but it still smellz.

    Poo jokes still make me laugh. =) I don't know if I should be happy about that.

  2. I would like to personally congratulate someone in particular for her HoM rank:

    This one goes to AA, with her 102 rank. It is the first time she beat her previous record of 108 since May 14th! Good job there AA!

  3. Congrats Aa! And well done everyone who actually did something this week. I guess I need to kick my own butt now.

  4. Has the most appropriate hankies fer you Alyxyn!!!
    In my collection of AD&D characters I have a Greyhawk gully dwarf who goes by the name of Sniffles and he is very willing to share his collection of dirty hankies with you. Oh yeah his sleeves are rather snotty as well if you would like to borrow his sleeve instead.
    Revliss The Queen of Duct Tape

  5. Oh my! thank you all!!

    and EWWWWWW hide that gully dwarf, I still have nightmares on her drowning my character!!

  6. Congratz on Akhdar and Melange on showing the rest of us how it should be done.

    And nice levelling scum!

    Oh and alyxyn, can you please stop smearing snot all over the bulletin! It is hard enough to decipher it as it is...
