Monday, December 19, 2011

A tall gentlemen strides into the guildhall, ignoring the various traps, poisoned deadfalls, broken beer steins and passed out guildies. He mostly just ignores the waste, saving his notice for the few individuals still able to blearily focus their eyes to note his form.

Coming up to the throne of the GuildMaster, he salutes GBoss in a way ever so reminescent of a much shorter person before holding out the latest news bulletin, this time put together in carefully phrased Human English on proper report paper in an Engineer's careful penmanship.

"I am sorry GuildMaster but I fear that at current time your little green reporter is somewhat more incoherent than you are accustomed to. Between caring for his wife, who is now out of the hospital but needing close attendance and his own attempts not to spread his own illness, I am keeping him somewhat quarantined at the current time."

"To ensure that you still do receive your news however, I took the opportunity to present some of the information that normally gets collelated for your consumption. It doesn't quite have his flair, but I hope it will meet your needs."

With that, the gentleman hands the paperwork to GhettoForce, takes three steps back, salutes, performs an about face, and marches from the hall.

On the paperwork is the following information:

"This week the Scum regained and firmly held onto Number 1 ranking despite efforts from the Endless."

"This week, the guild increased in levels by 66 as led by the terrific trio of Ziglabeu, Bakryu and Valind, each with 4 levels. Close on their tails was Morhdd with 3 level raises.

"According to the tips sheets from the arena and the formal Rankings:
Redwood18 climbed 6 ranks to hold onto 47.
MaxPower climbed 19 rankings to settle on 217.
Bakryu climbed an exceptional 31 to 231
Akhdar appears to have mounted a nice round mount to raise 41 rankings to 423.

"In an effort that the gladiatorial authorities wished especially noted, Melange has beaten her HIS best ranking ever after a reported 9 month effort. By raising 19 ranks, Mel now stands at 339."

And that is the way it happened, this last week ending Dec 18, 2011.


  1. BOOOO !! Where's the funny talking gobbo ?!? How about we all storm his house next week for the real thing ? All of us at Alyx's !!

    By the way, the gladiatorial authority is me, and thank you Alyxyn for mentioning Melange's achievement.

    Grats Melange !!

  2. Melange: just reporting it as it came to me ;) To tired to doublecheck some of it. Sorry

  3. Great Job Alyxyn! This is one way to make piples respond on scumbase. Perhaps we should put more errors in the reports ;-)

    Get well soon, and same goes to da wahf.

  4. Hope she's better for Christmas! And you're well enough to stuff the holiday goose. Or is that goose the holiday stuff?

    At any rate, best wishes, my li'l friend!

  5. Don't feel bad Melange, Alyxyn apparently has never read Dune.

  6. That only makes me feel worse, Tofu...

  7. There there Melange. Everybody assumes that I'm Italian, so I feel your pain :)

  8. Oh btw Tofu, how is a

    "geriatric drug that gives the user a longer life span, greater vitality, and heightened awareness; it can also unlock prescience in some humans, depending upon the dosage and the consumer's physiology."

    male in any way or form? sounds like the effects women can have on men to me. ;)

  9. ok, apart from that longer life span then...

  10. It isn't that Spice is inherently male or female, but Melange's character is clearly male -- so I assume they thought the word Melange sounded female. Which means they just didn't get the reference. But he is right, it shouldn't make him feel better just sad that they missed out on a great book.

  11. Oh come on Tofu, I think you are missing the point of Mario. IF they read the book then Melange sure as hell is a female name as he showed ;)

    But hey... how can you feel sad about a little sick and double green gobbo making a gender mistake. Unless ofcourse you feel sorry for him ;-)
