Monday, January 09, 2012

... --- ...

I sent such a clever message and still nobody came along to fill the request so I could get out of this soup pot! I had to encode it or the green one would figure it out. Luckily for me, he isn't very smart.

-.-. --- -.. .
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5 (33%)
-. . . -..
2 (13%)
-. . .--
1 (6%)
-.-. .... . ..-.
7 (46%)

Votes so far: 15
Poll closed

It is unanimous, everybody is tired of bean curd soup.


  1. sorry turducken.. ah did figger it out.. un voted effen.. dunno if it counted me as countin but ah dun did vote while you wuz still correctin S-S-S with S-O-S

  2. lol, I know you did... I just like make fun of you even if it isn't true :D

  3. 68657820656e636f64696e6720666f72207468652077696e21
    or even

    (^_^) welcome to 2000's

  4. Good to see most scum just want chef. Although some of them actually believe they have souls worth saving... odd...

  5. by da way.. ah dun't know wot ya gotz 'ginst bean curd soup.. when it dries it makez good ammunition fer slingshots.. to kill da rats tah make ratkabobs! mmmmmmmm ratkabobs!
