Sunday, January 08, 2012

----------- Language and Content Alert ----------

Ryan Sohmer and Lar DeSouza are goin' to hell.  And not because they just axed a major character in Looking For Group .. which, in itself, is cause for their legions of fans to howl for blood and break their crayons.

These two guys have an unabashedly rollicking GUYS TIME with their other venture,  Least I Could Do. Starring the irrepressible, irreverent and irredeemable Rayne Summers, I'm sure you'll all fall sway to his charms.  Yea, you'll look good when you buy the t-shirt.   Rayne will chase anything in a skirt ... even if said skirt is interested in other skirts.

I imagine the walls of mancaves everywhere are papered with this kind of gleeful enjoyment of the male inner child let loose upon the world.  And if they're not, they should be.  Enjoy!