Thursday, February 02, 2012

FreshScumFlash: Ustarach

Sadly we lost Bloodshadow to an overdose of overtime and  an ancient non kingdom in space. We hope he’ll make it back to us in the future as he was scummy as they come…

But do we have a treat for you? To fill the gap we managed to get Schnebbs! Yes yes, he does poetry on this blog. And yes yes, he is famous all around the web for things I shall not even dare to name. But most importantly HE IS A GNOME!!! And we were seriously running out of those… Ofcourse he is too famous to run around in his normal Server 3 body, so he changed incognito to Server 1 Ustarach.

So welcome to Ustarach a level 223 dragonriding Warrior  (haha, I did it again! In your face Darstard!) with a tasty 95%+ scrapbook. Ofcourse the total body and class makeover left some damage (probably the reason for that eyepatch) and he is still getting used to himself. So let’s not all jump on him at the same time.

Did I say yet we had a new gnome!


  1. Welcome Schnebbs! It will be great having you in game, instead of just the scum base :) Just stay away from the dwarvish women...

  2. that's right, ladies! you can all jump on me at once if you like... but the individual woo-ings will commence as soon as i can get my teddy pendergrass albums out of storage.

    *and what's this lilypad aa had mentioned?*

  3. [i]*and what's this lilypad aa had mentioned?*[/i]

    I'm sure you'll love it... If we have to believe AA, it is some sort of gnomish heaven.

  4. Gnomish heaven... for a very short time. Hell hath no fury ;P

  5. Welcome Schnebbs, I hope you like your stay with us at The Severed Tongue.


  6. come into my lair .. said the gnomish mistress to the fly ... I am sure you will find your pleasure.. or I will.

  7. Oh, it's on like Donkey Kong now, beeeeatch!!

  8. Welcome Ustarach .. the kingdom of Gforce awaits your discovery. Do not look behind or under the throne ... you'll likely find Alyxyn or .. scarier .. Aaylia.
