Thursday, February 09, 2012

Gobbo Haiku

jezt ta offer up sum competishun, ah presents:

Tiny green menace
creeping about in the dark ...
run, Maid Ciciz, run!

*takes a bow on the bar*

Fer mah next decomposishun, I sez:

New gnome in old skin.
Party in bar, loud din!
Usty, welcome in!

*dives off the bar amidst thrown beer bottles*


  1. ah aint no po-it... un it showz! so dere!

  2. the next to last thing i expected was a poetry slam.
    the last thing i expected was it to be with aly.

  3. ah wuzn't slammin on ya Usty.. ah wuz .. paying 'omage tah yer efforts frum when ya were strapped tah da wall

  4. Replies
    1. no fair using cats! i'm al... i'm all... i'm alle... .... *wait for it...* ... *ACHOO!* ... i'm allergic.

    2. but boss.. cat's don't make good weapons.. too squirmah.. though dey make grate fricasees un catypult ammunition
