Monday, February 13, 2012

Week Ending Feb 12, 2012

The guildhall stands quiet save for the clink of steins as casks of Dolgan's Finest get tapped furiously. The bulletin board stands starkly empty, save for last week's announcement of the missing of the data faerie, in fact even the skylight that normally highlights the bulletin board is dark, covered over with that bloody attire obviously taken from a dead pirate.

This is highly puzzling even in your beersoaked state until you totter over to the trapdoor down into the bilge and find several huge spikes protruding up through the wood, hammered over into bent pieces of metal akin to a 'modern art' sculpture. Lacquered onto the wood surface itself, having dried over the past few days, is a note reading in a scrawl "Leaf off".

Through a small slit in the door, however, protrudes a single long strip of paper:

"72 Meg
left when Q rolled off to bed
dunjon dun beat us"

"Scum off sleeping hard
Endless wins with low click in
solid number two"

"Growth slow in scum ranks
TDI top with but 3
42 for all"

"Birthday bashes out
GBoss announces in blog
not going into here"

Departed for now and non
back maybe one day"

"Ranks in arena
stumble, shuffle, bounce and fall
Q reclaim top rank."
"Many claim top ranks,
Thirteen above fifty now
keep climbing! Scum Rule!"

"Some happy me gone
nailed in bilge, halls quiet
enjoy the echo."


  1. So.. what is AAlyxyns valentine poem doing here instead of the bulletin? I wouldn't think it possible, but i think Schnebbs is having a bad influence on you...

    *starts polishint boot*

  2. oh, so it's MY fault the gobb gets all poetic? typical... blame the gnome.

  3. Ofcourse we blame the gnome... Haven't you been paying attention at all?
