Wednesday, March 21, 2012

poetry was missed
as yesterday was tuesday
please come back next week.

The world waits for no man (or gnome, though we're working on that), and not even Ghetto's disappointed "tsk tsk tsk"ing can divert my attentions from the mountainous tasks at hand. (and I never said ALWAYS on deadline, just USUALLY. =p) Believe me, it's been hard enough getting through my thirst for the past 10 days. Things should be back to more "normal" next week, so I'll soon enough be back to playing piano in the guild hall.



  1. WAAAAAAAH I wanted my naughty poetry! You disappoint all the gnomes. Boo HISSSSSS

  2. Haha, you pissed of AAylia! Good job Schnebbs =)

  3. I keel you! I KEEL YOU WITH double blades!!
