Friday, March 02, 2012

Noooo waaaaayyy, two weeks in a row? I don't know how to react, this is too much, joy is pouring out of my skin, my teeth vibrate with excitement, my toes are curling in anticipation! What, oh but what in the world, kind of crap will Kami say this week?

You love it, it's here again this week, that's right, the bestestestest column ever to be written by Man (some argue that since I write it, I am closer to God than Man, but I prefer not to rub it in people's face), Soundcheck!

This week, we have another girl under the spotlight. She has been an officer for a while, but then decided Ghetto was too annoying to stay there, so she generously gave her spot away to someone else. She is nice, rather quiet, but we love her nonetheless. Always at the bottom of alphabetically ordered rosters, she definitely is not the last in our heart. Please put your hands together and welcome Zimmi!

Remember people, this song is sung on the rhythm of Happy Birthday to You.

It is your turn, Zimmi,
Your char is so lovely.
Ears are pointy,
Looks are pretty,
And you like to party!
Ouh, I actually made a cute one this time!

So, just a few years ago (oh look, I'm cute again), two people in love were thinking of making their life together. All of us adults know that relationships are rarely always easy; you have ups and downs, highs and lows. But what we all know is that when you find your significant other, and get into a fight with him/her, one of the best feelings there is, is when you forgive each other, and have the love of your life back in your arms again (and then little people like Zimmi are created).

Cute from the beginning, Zimmi was. Those three girls had amazing voices, nice songs, and were incredibly famous, yet sober and very mature about it, like our little Zimmi. I really have nothing to say to belittle that video, it is as it comes, great in its own way.

But then, THEN, she hit 14, and all Hell broke loose! Bring in the hot guys, let her drool on her idols. She was screaming for him, but then again, most girls were at the time, and still are today!

He would have been perfect for Grease, wouldn't he? Mimicking John Travolta to the extreme, leaning on feminine movements and makeup, what a "dude"! So many things to say here... Not sure about the white T-shirt with holes. Funny how we used to think it was cool instead of just too cheap and lazy to go buy a new one. The red eyes at 1:00 made me laugh for a while too, I mean, wow... CG at its best! The concept of the hands through the floor at 1:45 is pretty original though, I like that... and then they go and ruin it all by ripping the T-shirt off him... NOOO! Whyyy! And then they went ahead and showed the face of the dancers at 1:59.... BAD, BAD video-maker!

She soon grew up and was 21 before even she knew it. She still was the cute little Zimmi we know, and as attracted by love as ever. She was dreaming about someone to just give it a shot with, someone that she could live with on a prayer.

Screw weird grease-filled hair styles, those hair styles are wayyyyy better! And is that a VINYL disc I see being waved at 3:50? Awww cute! You can say whatever you want about the song though, they do seem to have a lot of fun doing what they do, and I respect them for that.

So in conclusion? Oh please, Zimmi is just filled with love and hope! She's cute to the core! And that's how we love her! Don't change darling!

That's it for today folks!
Again, I hope you enjoyed, and get ready to read all about Morhdd next week! He's been whining in other columns, so I'll make sure to write something to really whine about! MUAHHAHAH!



  1. I shed a tear.

    Not sure whether it is of laughter or crying, though. ;)

  2. Tears of frustration that you'll never have Bon Jovi's big hair?
    Tears of laughter that those are GIRLS all over Freddie Mercuy?
    Tears of sadness over the loss of that amazing voice?
    Tears of anticipation over Morhdd's skewering?

  3. Ok, this blog needs some “negative” comments…

    The lead singer of the first song looks like she is lip-synching… badly… her jaws must be aching like hell… Hmmm… more negativity… oh right… Freddie was the first really famous aids victim (got to love the bastard nontheless…)

    Oh and there is nothing cute and little about Zimmi… She’s worse than AA, she is just better at hiding it! (no, not gonna say anything about bon jovi, would ruin the little fun we are having here fast ;-))
