Monday, March 05, 2012

Postcard from Shades of Gray (Update)

Hello Scum,

Having a great time, wish you were here! We’ve been down Blackwater Moor and Monster Kindergarten yesterday wet and noisy is all I can remember. Today we visited The Cabinet of Horrors. Quilp is bored, I added pictures of Elgaraen keeping him away from all the fun, while he really was looking forward to meeting the Bat Hags again.

 Later today we’ll go see the Wild Monster Party and perhaps we’ll even pay a visit to the Cave of the Graverobbers. See you soon.

Best wishes,
The Dungeon Party

Update: The Wild Monster Party was a bit timid (missing our Scumparties). Especially for the occasion Iola and Elgaraen traded places in the battle order and again poor Quilp had nothing to do. He's seriously in a bad mood atm. Well, we are going to try one more. Save our spot at the bar, we'll be back soon.

Update 2: Sadly with 17 Gray Shades missing, the Cave of the Graverobbbers  wasn't as much fun as we thought it would be. But there always will be next time. We're going home now. Don't mind Quilp though, he has a very bad mood.


  1. Lavidavi: yeah, sorry Quilp for not getting the chance to kick some Bat Hags @ss, this next raid, be sure that you will have the chance to kick some butt. Cheers and lets have some fun in the upcoming raid !

  2. Yay ... some Grayfolk! Lovin' the new visitors, guys :D

  3. Now make sure the Wild Monster party goes well too, so maybe you guys can try the Cave of Graverobbers too.

  4. LOL
    Great card.



  5. Don't forget to bring us back some presents!!

  6. Niiice, Gray Shades are in the house!
    You guys should definitely stick around these boards!!

  7. Hope that in the future we can help eachother again. Good luck and have fun in the future guild raids. lavidavi.
