Monday, April 02, 2012

(Fresh)Scumflash: Dolgan party and welcome GloryInChaos

Today we have a double party. Scum is back home and lot’s and lot’s have changed. For one Dolgan Elfbane, our ancient  and self-proclaimed rocker (who according to his signature has discovered religion), decided he was gonna be the 5th scum to reach level 300. And if he decides something then… ehr… usually something happens… or... ehr... not... Right…

Anyway... Our scumbankrobbing madman, also known for his very tasty ales (if you like the esophagus burning stuff he usually pours down your throat), actually has done it. And we have proof. Now let's hope he didn't kill all his braincells with his own ale and actually saved some dungeons. Gratz Dolgan!

And at the same time we have a welcome back party for GloryInChaos. The first time he joined us many months ago, I said the following about him:

"You might remember him from our last dungeonparty (in which case he doesn’t need an introduction).For the scum with a bad memory:  Gloryinchaos a level 236 raptor riding mage. That has to take some time to fill his scrapbook. If he is as much fun now as when he was helping us out beating some dungeons, then he will be a very welcome addition."

He actually was fun, when he was not busy doing other stuff, but he managed to have to move to another apartment  (I think they caught him doing one of his insidious experiments in his former apartment). And for that time period he decided to take a short break. Well… apparently he is done and came back to play with scum.

So what else to say, that I didn’t already before? Oh, right, he is a lot bigger (level 279), rides a dragon and has filled his scrapbook almost to the max (98.76%). Yeah, yeah, he is still a mage.

Congratz Dolgan Elfbane, welcome back GloryInChaos.


  1. Well done, my dwarvish friend, well done!

  2. He looks a bit flabbergasted about it, doesn't he? Or do you think he just drank some of his own ale?
