Friday, May 04, 2012

ScumFlash: Magnum went the way of the g33k

So there we have it. Not only Big, but also Smart and patient scum. Magnumpower hit 300 today, kicked down some dungeondoors and almost instantly hit 301. And to make it even better, he still has 4 dungeons saved up to fill up that awfull valley even faster.

Look at that smug face... But for once, we'll allow it. Gratz Magnum. May your reign of terror be scary and painfull for all your archenemies (in case you forgot, that is everybody not in the Severed Tongue guild) :)


  1. Man, here I have been thinking all my archenemies are in the guild! Grats to magnumpower, Double grats! you see that x on his cheek? that is from my double kiss from my blades. Aren't I sweet?

    1. No, no, no, AA! Those are your mortal enemies! There is a difference ;-)

  2. w00h00! congrats, all hail to the Mag! happy 300th!!

  3. Nice going Mag! Can't be as patient for some reason. Now start knocking off some of these top guns in the HoF.

  4. Grats Magnum! Awesome achievement!
