Wednesday, July 25, 2012

FreshScumFlash: Etrius

We seem to have caught something in Alyxyns fishing nets again. It was fighting and screaming while Al hauled him on board, but as soon as it saw a glance of our Ciciz he calmed down and even looks like he is enjoying himself here. (makes you wonder though... why was Ciz with Al?) So we decided to give him some new clothes and introduce him as our newest member: Etrius. A level 224 cat riding Warrior with a 87.18% scrapbook. Let's hope he is some fun. And seeing he isn't an American I have high hopes ;-) Long live our first Bulgarian Scum.

Hey Etrius, welcome to the Severed Tongue. If you like some random banter, I'm sure you will be right at home. And while you are here all new and fresh, perhaps you will be the one to think up our newest slogan!


  1. Welcome, welcome! And hands off of Ciciz, she's mine! *glares at Aly*

  2. who am *I* to question if GBrain put Ciciz in my ship? I will just stay all happy and contented :)

    Welcome newest Scum! careful of the floor, it can get slippery whenever Nargipoofufu is drinking as his 'aim' isn't the best I fear.

  3. Welcome aboard Etrius.
    Make yourself at home, and if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

  4. Welcome Etrius!! I will help you steal Ciciz, I hear she is great in the kitchen! She also makes a mean purple fizzy drink with green globs in it. Not ever sure of the green globs - You will have to figure it out!
