Monday, July 16, 2012

ScumFlash: Making up our own damn rules!

"The only thing more highly regarded than a well-placed dagger in the back... are two well-placed daggers in the back."
- Gob Bushsniper

Every Scum that doesn't recognize these words should be shot at sight. Seriously... Who are you and what are you doing in our guild? Today's post will be about our guild slogan. The above slogan shouldn't need an introduction. It was handed to us by our founding father Gob Bushsniper. Whom mysteriously vanished a long long time ago only leaving behind two bloody daggers ... (Or so our history books say).

"It takes real work and talent to make scum look this pathetic and disorganised"
- Ghettoforce

Long term scum will recognize this saying, it was ours for as long as I can remember. Probably because we started using it when I became guildleader.. So that must be what? 5 years ago? 10? Pretty much forever? As I said, I can't remember... All I know is that we still use it on this website. It was the first thing everybody saw when they visited our guild through the hall of fame and we became famous for it. We actually had complaints about it from other Guild Leaders telling me I shouldn't call you scum. Oooh the good old times. We thought it would last forever!

That is, untill iola made this background for march. She didn't just do a background and a header, but gave it a slogan too. It looked great, was funny and very scummy indeed. So from that day our slogan has been:

"Making up our own damn rules"
- Iola

I was kinda hoping she would continue to do so every month. And was already looking forward to her next great idea. But it was a one time thing. And that is why we are going to help her. Yes scum, YOU can suggest possible future slogans for the Severed Tongue in the comments below. If we have gathered enough we'll start a poll and let you decide wich ones are the best. Who knows, it might even inspire Iola for some future backgrounds!

And while we are at it, let's use this topic to thank Iola for her hard work on the scumbase and her amazing backgroundpictures and headers.Seriously, if you never did before, take a look at all the eye candy Iola made for us in the past year.


  1. "Scum always floats to the top"

    and ty Iola for your hard work

  2. Scum to make women blush and weep!

  3. "not fit for human, dwarvish, elvish, gnomish, orcish or demonic consumption.
    (100% daily requirement for goblins, though! or at least in aly's case)"

    but that's a bit long, innit? (that's what she said!) for brevity's sake, we could go with:
    "disgusting if swallowed."

    1. well if I were still posting as much I would shorten it to "what only Gobbos can eat" or "wot da Gobbo dun said!" :)

  4. LOL x2 omg the prose!
    in scum we trust

  5. Oh my god. These are hilarious. I can think of several ways to use them already. Thank you so much!

  6. what about "Ruthlessly serving up Nargipoofufu for abuse"? :)
    "Scum Rises"?
    "come see the Early Morning Scumrise"?
    "All for Scum and Scum for All"?

    1. keep trying Al, you might find something in the end =)

    2. LOL! that's what she said!!


      which brings me to another slogan: "that's what scum said!"

    3. That is what you get when you stop writing "poetry" for so long. It starts oozing out ;)

      Btw, i find "That is what she said" a better slogan then "that is waht scum said" ;-)

      come on scum, I'm sure more 4 of us have slogan ideas!!!

    4. "Scum one, Scum all! Welcome to the greatest show on Earth"? :)

  7. The Severed Tongue - Where the daggers are sharp, the women are dangerous and the drinks are always a health risk

  8. i'm quoting gboss from guild chat, but this nugget of wisdom needs to be immortalized:

    "failure is it's own reward"

    1. errr... my grammar is off. should be:

      "failure is its own reward"

      no apostrophe in "its" ... should a possessive, not a contraction.

    2. that WAS part of the joke Schnebbs ;-)

  9. If you only knew the power of the Scumside !

  10. Say 'scum' again. Say 'scumm' again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'scum' one more Goddamn time!

  11. Scum to the bones!!!
    or Scummy to the bone!
    use fantasy and correct my grammar if i'm wrong :P

  12. oh sure... pick on the former journalism student. it's not my faut, really! they used to beat me with an a.p. stylebook...

    1. obviously not hard enough. though apparently it effected your ability to grow any taller :)

    2. "hello, pot!"
      "hey kettle!"
      "guess what?"
      "you're black."
      "so are you..."
      "you know what? you're right."
      "good. glad we figured that out."
      "me too."

    3. sorry.. but I don't have an Oregon Medical Marijuana card so I am not Pot. so you must be Pot. :)

    4. Less tiny bitchfighting, more slogans! =P

  13. "Oh baddy baddy Scumdrops."

    "Script Creation Utility What?"

  14. I'll just write what comes to mind in the alternate universe my brain is currently in:
    - Climbing to the scummit.
    - And here they said we wouldn't make it.
    - Sorry if we don't cooperate. Out vocabulary lacks the important words.
    - Scumminess is not an act, but a habit.
    - Scum is the best we could ever be.
    (double-edged sword that one, but the way I see it, it's very positive, like putting a "wish to" between ever and be. But I understand that it can be understood differently.)

    I'm hungry now, need to eat.

    1. I smiled... Now stop boozing before you kill even more braincells ;-)

  15. "come see the Early Morning Scumrise"
    seems al but appropiate, so I'll quote it ;)
