Sunday, November 25, 2012

ScumFlash: Fairy Tower & Magic Mirror

Here is some information from Quilp about the new functionality. If you have something to add, something to correct or something to ask, please let us know below this post. We'll update this post when there is reason for it

EDIT: A lot of answers are answered in the comments

Fairy Tower

1) Click the Dungeons button and you will see the Tower in the middle with regular dungeons around it. Click the Tower and you will be on your companions page (you get a companion of each class and each of the three will be level 150 to start). Click the Tower on the right to enter and then click the button to start the attack on the first Tower Boss (there are 100 floors each with a boss).

2) You can use equipment to strengthen your companions. And you can level up your companions by clicking the plus sign on each. This will cost you gold and the higher the level the more gold it will cost.

3) The bonus you get from beating Tower bosses is 1% added gold on quests and guard duty. Completing all 100 floors results in your gold doubling. You will also get one equipment item each time you beat one of these bosses.


The toilet has changed and is more complex. I don't have all the answers yet but here is a starting point:

1) The first item you throw in the toilet will increase you toilet mana level as before, but the item will be kick back to your inventory. I suggest that you make a note of the item class and stats before and after throwing it in the toilet. Items can and will change when thrown in the toilet.

2) Tower items are worth $0 gold AND shop/quest items that have been thrown in the toilet are worth $0 gold. If you have an item you want to sell for gold don't throw it in the toilet.

3) Magic store items can be used on any class and therefore are good as are or to change their stats by throwing them in the toilet.

4) Weapon store items can be used as are on the companion who is the same class as your toon. The class of these will change when thrown in the toilet.

Item Changes

1) Weapon store items will change class when thrown in the toilet: Warrior class items change to Scout items. Mage class items will change to Warrior items. Scout class items will change to Mage items. (Magic store items are class neutral and don't change class.)

2) Most items will change the stats from one class to another. So far I believe the main stats (Intelligence, Strength, Dexiterity) change in the same way as item class: Strength to Dexterity, Dexterity to Intelligence and Intelligence to Strength.

3) I don't have a complete sense of what is going on with Luck and Constitution stats. Also, All Luck epics from the Tower don't appear to change stats but can change class if they are Weapon store items. All stat epics from the Tower that are Weapon store items will change class.

Tower Tips

1) Depending on how well equipped and potioned your character is, the first Tower boss will be doable for level 240 and above players. Otherwise you will likely need companion help.

2) You should run through as many Tower bosses as possible. Keep building the strength of your companions as you do by leveling up the companions who have weapons and gear first. Companions without weapons aren't much help even if you level them up.

3) Before throwing an item in the toilet make sure it will be useable when it is changed. Items from quests and the shops are worthless to sell back to the store. That is why you need to keep track of open slots on your companions. That is why it becomes confusing as to what is going to come out of the toilet after throwing an item in.

I'm sure I have made some mistakes that will need correcting. So help out as this gets posted to the blog.

Magic Mirror

During quests you'll find pieces of a mirror (13 in total i think). If you beat the quest with the mirror piece just drag it from inventory to your picture. it will disappear and something will happen to your picture.

Once you have all pieces you'll most likely be able to fight in the arena (and dungeons???) while you are on a quest (probably not during city guard duty though). Not the greatest ability (I'll keep choosing the big XP quests over the mirror quests for now if there is a choice), but it will keep you busy for a while.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I just threw in a mage robe with dex stats (i'm a mage) and it changed into warrior armor with luck stats

    2. And mage gloves with DEX stats turned into scout gloves with INT stats. Looks like we have another random...

      IF a mage throws something in the toilet it either becomes a warrior or scout item
      If a scout throws something in the toilet it either becomes a mage or warrior
      If a warrior throws something in the toilet it either becomes a mage or scout

      aka, it always changes in something you are not. So the only way to use items of your own class is by NOT throwing them into the toilet (perhaps an idea to use your same class companion as a place to stock alternative gear)

  2. Can you feed potions to your companions?

    1. No, potions only work on yourself (I'm actually happy about that....)

  3. Levelling your companions will NOT get you better epics from the tower. The power of the epics is based on dungeonlevel, not based on companion level. The only thing levelling your companions does, is make them stronger (not a bad thing in itself ;)). So put your extra gold in there but don't overdo it yet.

  4. I am scared to level up my three minions should I stop spending gold on myself to do it? or when do I use it?

    1. You are the most important minion. Levelling your minions isn't all taht usefull as long as they are not completely geared up yet (especially weaponwise). So at the moment i only put my gold in them that I can't use for other stats. Besides there are quite some dungeons you'll be able to beat without their help.

    2. You hear that everyone???? I AM THE most important minion! yayyyyyy!

  5. Is double-dipping allowed?

    In other words, did anyone try to throw something in the toilet twice?

    1. obviously we tried... and the answer is NO. Once it has been in the toilet it stinks and can't be thrown back.

      One exception beign the item you get from flushing a full toilet.

  6. Did anyone throw in a 3way epic yet? What happens to those?

    1. answer: you get a 3 way epic with different stats.
