Saturday, May 04, 2013

ScumFlash: The Long Overdue Post

And there we finally have it. "The Long Overdue Post". Lot's has been happening, both in game and in Real Life and I managed to not post about any of it yet.

First of all, we lost a couple of members over the past couple of weeks. Rizzo34, MaxPower, Srike and Kossar have all silently left us. STOP DOING THAT!!! Seriously... tell us when you are leaving us, so we can at least say goodbye.

We had two new recruits too. Italos, a level 248 mage with a nicely filled scrapbook of almost 98%. Apart from his choice of weaponry he looks like a true adept of Quilp the halfway evil. And Elvix our newest smallest member (don't worry Veha, you are still our favourite mascot) also a mage who seriously needs to get rid of his Cow and get himself at least a Cat. Elvix is living proof (for now anyway) that even if you don't fit the requirements we have set for new members, a well written request does wonders to make me forget all about them. Welcome to both.

We been to Endless to help them beat D45, wich in the end proved to be too easy. Quilp didn't even get to fight (good show Buede old friend), and take a crack at D46

Endless returned the favour the week after to help us beat D45. We had to do two attempts. The check in for the second attempt was worse then the first one but we were so much more lucky, our warriors actually blocked and our scouts actually evaded this time... And Quilp finally got his chance at the Tub of Lard we know as Fat Elke.

Ofcourse we tried D46 for ourselves too. But with the dungeon party guests already leaving and our ranks severely thinned out we had not much of a chance there. I'm sure it will take quite some time before we see the endboss In the Vegetable Garden.

And of course currently we are at Zenith helping them up their dungeon count by a lot. At this moment 4 down and working on the 5th, with a lot of Scum in reserve even though Zenith is very lousy at checking in during these past couple of days. I haven't seen any pictures yet so those will have to wait until the next post.

Well that should keep you lowlifes occupied for a while. I know how much trouble you have with these letter thingies, especially when they're made into words longer then 4 letters, or even worse sentences...


  1. Hello all and thank you for a warm welcoming into the Guild.
    That incident with the cow won't be repeated, I actually prefer cats myself too.
    I blame my handheld magic communications device, that suddely gave me a cow, when I bought a new cat, and then just didn't let me swich it out, claiming it wasn't a valid cause just "liking" cats better than cows...
    Back at my lapsized magic device I could correct my error, but not untill the boss had noticed and told everyone of my shameful pet...

    1. A head bowed in shame... I call that a good day :)

    2. Good to have you around Elvix!
      We will be counting on your "activeness" to check in and replace all those lazy scums that don't click the button.
      Like I'm one to talk lately....
      Welcome aboard!
