Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Birthday Bashes & More (Oct. 1 2013)

Because I wanted a good reason to get you to Scumbase today (to show off the awesome new background Iola made), because it has been some time already since we dit our last Birthday Bash, and because I'm still hoping we find ourselves a new Birthday Basher, I took some time to update our spreadsheet.

Bad thing: It took me a lot of time, because there has been a lot of changes over the past months.
Good thing: From now on it will take a lot less time again.
More good thing: Now we finally have another reason to stab each other in the back celebration style...

Let's hope we can find one of you lowlifes willing to do this once a week (hell, I would even be happy with once every other week or even once a month...). That being said, we are also still looking for a new Babysit Central too... You know where to find me.

Valley of Awful XP
Condolences to you scum.For you have reached an epic level, but will have to beat many dungeons to get out of this XP Valley.
  • 325 – Dolgan Elfbane, Alyxyn, Woopydoo
  • 300 – Parrish, Midir
  • 275 – Masterdodo, Nanouchka, Xristen, Wraithform, Valind, Ziglabeu, Venkman, Kamisama
  • 250 – Capone, Akhdar, Cipio, Nemurici

Nice Round Numbers
Congratulations to you scum, your level looks nice and round.
  • 340 – Quilp
  • 320 – Ninastar, Redwood18, Hym
  • 310 – Ghettoforce, Iola
  • 290 – Aaylia, Demon William, Zot, Rido Fatesmiter, Nargoth, Farkentje
  • 280 – Ciciz, Keldonhing, Mhorg, Oswalt, Tofurkey, WordPlay, TDI, Usturach, WTFMybeer
  • 270 – Revliss, Oak
  • 260 – Scrubby, Srike, Neithe, CrusaderBin, Bakryu, Moora
  • 240 – Veha, Silverlance, Elvix

Special Award
Congratulations just because we don't want you to be the only one not being mentioned reaching an epic level or a nice round number since the last Birthday Bash...
  •  307 – Zimmi

95% Club
At this moment we have 30 members of the 95% club. Many of them even maxed out their scrapbook, wich gives them mucho extra XP gain. Well done Scum. Sadly we still have 4 lowlives that haven't even managed to get their scrapbook up to 75%. Midir, Keldonhing and Nemurici you really need to work a little on that book.

The average scrapbook of a lowlife is 92.60% atm (yes we can do better!)

"But wait you said 4... that was only 3..." Sigh, very sharp of you. Well ok then, I didn't want to do this, but if you are going to make me... Silverlance... come on... 51% How did you even get in here? You must have written some seriously good mail... or did you bribe someone? And if you did... for how much?  And where is my cut? Bad Bad Silverlance... Now go work on fixing your book.

Random Data of the Week
Something Important to get you through the week (however long that may last...)
  • 50 Scum
  • 22 Mages
  • 17 Warriors
  • 11 Scouts
  • 31 dragons griffins / griffin dragons
  • 19 Cats/ Raptors


  1. I love love love having birthday bashes back! This is awesome! And the headliner. I could hug and squeeze Iola till her eyeballs pop out. Keep up the great work Iola and Ghettoforce!!

  2. you know... you COULD use that banner as your new facebook banner ;)

  3. I'll patch in until my replacement can be found.
    Come on guys, data gathering, it's fun!! I'll teach you the ropes, so no fear!

    1. MHUAHAHAHA, my plan worked perfectly... another old timer comming back for another tour of duty!
