Thursday, November 26, 2015

And so shall we start as the green skinned menace:

Well, the Healer and his acolytes have now spoken and deigned to explain a bit of the ritual that was used upon the poor mortified flesh of this gobbo.

The foul thing that was removed at least seems to have been entirely removed.  It was, however, a fouler abomination than they had suspected at first.  Most of the demon spawned are some chthulu spawned polypoidal mass, but of course, this gobbo contracted a different variety because he just can not seem to do anything normal.  No, the demon spawn that was afflicted upon this gobbo was a variety that oozed and slithered and coated things like an ameobic monstrosity.

To tear the foul beast forth, the healers had to peel and flense and skin the innards of the gobbo, leaving a bleeding mass behind.. but a bleeding mass that so far has proven clean of affliction.  The news from the priestery however is that still more needs done, more rituals performed to purify and cleanse this greenskin's system.

Healing continues, letting the bleeding mass bleed less but when it is better, the newest rituals begin and the gobbo will again be thrown onto the altar of the Divine.  Once a week for two months shall the greenskin be thrown forth to be plied with the brew of hope, the brew to keep the demons away.  And thus shall this year end and the new begin, upon the altars of the acolytes.

Now.. from the player:

First, the good news. Pathology says that the only muscle cells that were removed with the tumor showed negative signs for cancer. This is good because it means that the cancer hadn't penetrated into the muscle wall.

Now.. the bad news. The cancer is G3T1. This means Fastest growing but 'only' invaded short of the muscle wall. However it manifested in an unusual manner. Though according to the doctor, there is little about this tumor that has been 'usual'. Instead of being a polypoid mass, this tumor instead manifested more like a thickening of the wall of the bladder, sort of like a carpet. This means that in removing the mass, the doctor basically skinned over half of the inside of my bladder. This certainly explains the types of pains I have been having.

Doctors say that I need to focus on healing currently and in a couple of weeks they will start the immunotherapy. This will involve me going into the doctors for a couple of hours once a week to be .. filled to the brim with a substance to kick my immune system into focusing on my bladder. So, Through December and January I will be going in for immunotherapy. How will it effect me? Doctors can't really say at current time. How long will the skinning of my bladder take to heal? weeks to months.


  1. You get to live green gobbo friend! Sad to hear about all those recovery times, but if that's what it takes..... Oh well glad to have you between us for as long as it can be!

  2. geez Betty... you really know how to have a good time dont you???

  3. so it would seem boss.. I follow in the footsteps of many fine Scum including those that have had helicopter crashes and other traumas right?

  4. Hope u heal well & fast, Al... *hugs*
