Monday, November 02, 2015

The tiny Green Menace gets Greener

For those that weren't here for mah tahk wit GBoss, ah figgered ahd restate wot's happenin wit me heah.  Howevah, az ah wants dis tah be az clear ah possible ahl post it in yall's English Standard:

I have been having problems with a kidney stone, so I went to the healers and in the process of dealing with the kidney stone (that was the size of a quarter), they also found a mass that defied divination.  Thus they had to remove a little of it and let the mechanically gifted gnomes look at it.  Their results were:

invasive aggressive cancer in the bladder.

Currently it appears the tumor is limited to the lining and mucus membranes of the bladder which is a good sign. What the blasted gnomes can not eliminate is the possibility of the tumor penetrating into the muscular wall of the bladder which would be well up there on the 'bad' thing scale of occurrences.

The present plan is to let me continue recovering from the kidney stone removal/biopsy from last Monday ( Oct 26th ) so that swelling will go down. There will be another procedure scheduled about Nov 12th which will be another general procedure in which the gnomes will bonk me on the head in order to work on me while I sleep.  This process will also involve inducing temporary paralysis due to the proximity of some nerves to the tumor. This procedure will involve the removal of the tumor and more precise determination of its invasion. If all things go well in this procedure, the tumor would be removed and some additional immunotherapy over a few weeks time frame would put paid to this problem. But.. if the tumor was more invasive than able to be seen currently, then the situation would need to be reevaluated and new options looked into.

At present, the healers are upbeat and positive. They are a bit confused due to my age and other factors that really would not have indicated any likelihood of the cancer but.. what happens happens right?  In the grand scheme of things, what is one tiny obnoxious greenskin anyway?

I am just hoping to see one of those rumored 'naughty nurses' though obviously I won't be very able to play with them much if I do *sighs*



  1. *Hugs* Al... sad to hear that... I hope your surgery goes well & pray that nothing worse will happen... Stay strong & hope u get through with all this with some positive outcomes...
    Kitty still need this green naughty Goblin to play with her...
    Sending u many many well wishes <3

  2. Greenish Gobbo twin, or just the Betty all people know you as, hope you get through all this terror as well as you can... Get well soon good gobbo friend...

  3. now there is an idea.. wonder how I could dress as a Bladder Cancer tumor next halloween.....

  4. *donates warchest with high heeled lady shoes*

  5. Hugggies!!!! Donates all the of her duct tape to Alyxyn.....

  6. Sorry to hear, hope they get it all and you are back on your feet quickly.

  7. Crap Alyx - Keep your chin up, sounds promising they have a good chance of it being contained. Keep me informed, I will keep you in my thoughts in turn. I have your day marked on my calendar and will think of you extra hard that day.

    Big hugs - zimmi

    1. Though we seldom talk, you are never too far from my thoughts Zimmi.. especially since I work with Mr. Pagan ;)

  8. I had my anesthesiology clinic meeting last night. Lots of blood draws, EKG and chest XRay as part of the prep work. Looks like I am expected to be in the hospital overnight (Pacific time zone) Nov 12-13th at the very least. So far other than a creepy nurse that could be a tower boss, everyone is being positive and understanding of my particular sense of humor which you all know can be very .... trying ;)

    Thanks for all the good thoughts. Believe me, they do matter to me.

  9. Positive AND understanding of your sense of humor? I think you should marry them all...

    1. only worth marrying if they would also go along with the requirements for a naughty nurse uniform too ;)
