Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Blatherings from the Bilge

Okay.. doing this out of character just because.. well.. it is a bit easier right now ;)

As of midnight last night I started an all liquid diet to prepare for the surgery.  

At 5am Pacific tomorrow May 5th, I check in for surgery in sunglasses, sombrero and packing a bottle of Patron for the surgical team.

At 7:30am they knock me out to start the ball rolling and the scoop and toss begins in which they remove parts of my anatomy to get ahead of the cancer.

By 2:30pm Pacific, if everything goes well, I should be waking up, stoned on pain meds, in my hospital room.

From that point, I will be in the hospital 5-7 days before release.
After release, there is a 6 week recovery period with an ETA for returning to my work on June 23rd.

Sometimes during this ordeal I will be upgraded from liquid diet to 'low residue' diet.. and eventually back to normal eating.  Docs aren't willing to estimate that progression however so all your boots are probably safe for now.

I will have my tablet with me so you will see me in Shakes boobytrapping GBoss' throne to keep him honest and humble (yeah right.. I just like seeing him running around the guild with his pants on fire).

See you as I can!



  1. Wish your butchers all the luck in the world.

  2. Will pop out a cold one rooting for you Betts! Best of luck man!

  3. Best of luck, Betty!

  4. Wish you all the best, and for a speedy recovery. Will pray that this will stop the progression and end this ordeal for you once and for all.


  5. Hope the surgery goes well & sending u lots of kitty angels to watch over u *hugs*
