Sunday, March 05, 2017

ScumFlash: HoF of HoF's March 2017

Another month, another HoF of HoF's. Let's hope all the Scum has done better this month compared to the last one.

How to become part of the HoF of HoF's:
1. Be in a top 30 spot of HoF Heroes, HoF Fortress or HoF Pets
2. Be a member of the Severed Tongue

Easy Peasy, no?

Interesting nonsense:
  • Veriz, aka Scumpet is still dominating the HoF of HoF's. She even enlarged her margin on Grog69, who is still firmly second, by two points.
  • Top 4 is still exactly the same as the last two months. With the Scumlord gaining ONE WHOLE POINT on Aronsajin, who is the only non Scum in top 5, seeing Adder111 gained a spot.
  • Biggest climbers this  month are two players that understood that all they had to do, if they can't be Scum. is get into a top 30 somewhere.  Ugro jumped to  23 by sneaking  to spot 30 of HoF Pets and Ice Breath jumped to  90 by doing the same in HoF Fortress. Well played guys, well played.
  • Biggest regular climber is Iola by 10 spots, closely followed by Rido Fatesmiter with 9. You go Scum.
  • Biggest loser of the mnth is Momie, dropping from 50 to 60.
  • At the bottom of the list is still Wordplay. BUT he managed to gain 237 points (well, lose actually, you know, the lesser points the better) this month wich is very very impressive. Watch your back Venkman.

And for the doubters who like to check up on me, here are the top 30's of the HoF's that were the basis of this HoF of HoF's this month


  1. Thanks for the hard works Gboss.
    Go go climb higher to the 3rd spot.
    Love the new version :)

  2. Nicely done G, and yay, I'm up 5, weeee! :D And gratz Scumpet :)

  3. Sigh, I keep sinking. My pets Hof ranges from 60 to 130 depending on the week, you caught me at a low point
