Saturday, August 12, 2017

ScumFlash: HoF of HoF's August 2017

Spring was swift and Summer is already well under way. Bringing lots of thirst and loot, we hope. And ofcourse bringing a new edition of the  HoF of HoF's.

It has been a while, so it is probably a good idea to explain one more time how to join this very time consuming HoF of HoF's. So I'll tell you one more time. But only because the rules are so very very easy and I added an etra rule again.

How te become part of the HoF of HoF's:
1. Be in top 30 of HoF Heroes, HoF Fortress or HoF Pets, or
2. Be a member of the Severed Tongue, or
3. Bribe the Scumlord (that would be me)

See? Totally easy!

Interesting nonsense:
  • Only 92 players managed to fulfill any of these 3 very easy rules, leading to a HoF of HoF's with only a top 92.
  • Still firmly on the first place is the Scumpet with still a comfortable margin on the number 2 Grog69 aka Naughty frog.
  • Behind this scummy top two there is a lot of nothing, untill suddenly there appears a wild Scumlord on the 3rd place closely followed by Treak on 4, Kerry and Aronszajin (both with the exact same points) on 5 and 6
  • Son of Dog, Adder111 and Alister88 fill up the top 10 squashing Temprella between them on spot 8 
  • Most impressive jump in August 2017, Allister with an impressive 18 spots since the last update landing her right in the top 10
  • Other noteworthy climbers: Malcovis jumped by 20 spots, Igor by 17 and Wraithform by 13 spots
  • Actually, pretty much every Scum on the list has been climbing quite some spots, too much work to name you all, so go look for yourself.
  • So there we have it...
  • 3 Scum in top 3
  • 6 Scum in top 10
  • 13 Scum in top 25
  • 50 Scum in top 92
  • Not too bad for a bunch of merry Lowlives if you ask me.

For the ones who love to double check me, here are the screensshtos from this morning (well, my morning anyway)

1 comment:

  1. Grats to all those who made progress, especially our Scumlings :) and thanks again to our Scumlord for all the hard works =^..^=
