Thursday, December 08, 2011

Birthday Bashes & more

Birthday Bashes

Keldonhing and Parrish reach the big 250. kel is a scout with a Rood Hood complex. He is also an arsonist so back stab for the hat carefully. He also thinks he looks good so make sure you backstab in places that don't show. Par is a wizard with a voodoo doll and a shrunken head so even though he has those rare shoes don't backstab you never know what he will do.

95% club

Still just 25 of us 1 away from half the guild. It is currently a race between Dolgan Elfbane and Revliss to see who will join the group first. There is a rumor that Zimmi will be demoted as she makes the officers look bad. (not from me zimm ( her chest piece scares me))!

Deep 6'rs

Stays 4 strong, but we have two within 6% of climbing out of the Gboss wrath. Keep working!


  1. Blood is afraid of Zimmi's chest pieces... lol

    *sorry, reverted to Jr. High for just a moment*

  2. Blood is living in upside down world again. Without Z and Iola we would only have ugly ass officers... At least they bring a bit visual joy to the job!

    Congratz Keldon and Parrish, Welcome to the level where it really starts ;-)

  3. *shuddupiola I was keeping Redwood a secret*

  4. *BOOM!* That was a sound of a blown cover.

  5. Drat, I was hoping to milk some mushies from the boys!
