Sunday, June 23, 2013

Downtime on S1



Not really surprising, but S1 is still down.

Please be patient. Everything will be resolved. *cough*

For more info, check this link:


Friday, June 07, 2013

Fresh ScumFlash: Hym

Who would have thought we could welcome a new lowlife so soon. And a high prolific player like this to boot. No idea who I'm talking about? Introducing: Hym a level 312 dragonriding warrior and replacing r34lg33k by two levels as Quilps new best friend (hey, don't look at me. It is Da Round One who likes to hang with the big warrior boys... I just stay out their way when they draw those nasty sharp things... ). Currently he holds spot 16 in the Hall of Fame and has a scrapbook of 98.88%.

Hym has been the founder and one of the driving forces behind GSO for almost 3 years now (you might remember him from our dungeonparty at GSO a couple of months ago). Receiving his mail asking to join the Dark Side and become a member of our scummy community was both pleasant and unexpected. Our paths have met regularly in the past and he always showed to be a decent person, and I'm sure he'll fit in just fine (haha, like any of you even knows the meaning of that word). Think about that before you raid his pockets... That and the fact he can squash you by just looking at you.

I hope you'll have fun here Hym.

The Power of 12
This mail was send to me months ago. But I kept forgetting to make a post out of it.

I am all pleased with myself for having reached all +12 on my bonuses, and need to be kicked and stabbed back into submission because being all pleased with myself is just pride messing with me.  I would appreciate some taunting to ensure I stay in my place low in the dogpile of scum.



I'm not sure if we should applaud Wraithform for the achievement of collecting all maxed out medals, or fear him for actually having 12 friends... You decide yourself. On the other hand, to quote Orson Welles "We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone..." (oh come on he deserves a red name, Orson Welles was scummy enough in my opinion... do I have to remind you off "War of the Worlds"?) Need I give you more hints or do you think you can manage to plan to stab Wraith in the back on your own?

Yes, yes... I know... I promised you to tell you about the changes in the officers and that we needed your help. But I didn't expect to have to post again THIS soon... So you'll have to wait a bit longer. Here, have a cookie...

Monday, June 03, 2013

Fresh ScumFlash: Silverlance and Georgi97

Hi! Remember me? I’m your evil Scumlord. Yes, I know we haven’t talked for a while. But can you blame me? You are all so damned ugly, it hurts my head even thinking about you. I mean, sure you are evil spawn and all, but do you really need to be so unpleasant on the eyes? Isn’t it enough I suffer every time one of you opens their mouth and spout vile lies, does there really has to be a visual component too? And while we are at it. What’s up with this newly fashion to attack from the front… What is wrong with the oldschool stabbing in the back? So I at least have the option to just let you stab me instead of having to look at you… Seriously Scum…  have a little heart…

Fresh ScumFlash:
Quilp is getting so round lately that he apparently is developing motherly feelings. He keeps finding himself these little brats he enjoys keeping around. But you know me, as long as it keeps Da Round One happy… it is just hard to say no to those big round puppy eyes.  And after all, it is not THAT hard to ignore those tiny corpses after he forgot to feed them again for a couple of days… right?

His first victim: Silverlance is a level 230 catriding Scout who apparently thinks we have an emperor and enjoys setting stuff on fire. All I can say about that is… I’m glad we managed to get another Scout, but why are they all nuts?  But to prove I’m not a bad guy I’ll give him a little tip: Go to the “Hall of Fame” type in a random number between 15.000 and 35.000 (they have the most different goodies) and attack the one that comes up. Do this every 10 minutes and watch your scrapbook percentage grow. Because let’s face it… 49.65% is a bit shameful at level 230.

His second victim this week is Georgi97, a level 223 catriding mage, with a very decent 93,53% scrapbook. He really needs to reevaluate his gear though, because some of it is out of date. Especially that Hula Costume is soooo 2 years ago. Doing damage faster than your opponent is the most important part in this game. With staying alive long enough to be able to do that damage as a good second.  So focus on your mainstat (INT in your case) and CON.

Rule of thumb: Always go for equipment with the highest mainstat (INT, DEX or STR depending on which class you are)  + CON combination. Take 3-way epic ONLY if the combined mainstat and CON values are well over the value of the mainstat of normal gear you would have gotten otherwise (LUCK is just a bonus).  For 5-way epics basically the same rule applies, but the amount of added defense bonuses (non Mainstat values), keep them viable a little longer. 

For example: Your normal mainstat items have INT around 450+ (gloves, shoes, robe). Your Hula costume is a 188 5-way epic (188 INT+ 188 CON = 376 which is a lot less then 450) and should be replaced. The same goes for the epic 225 5-way necklace (225 INT + 225 CON = 450, you’ll get better values out of a normal INT item by now).

Scum is Number One again:
I almost forgot… We finally managed to grab the number one spot again. Gratz to all lowlifes and scumbuckets. But if we want to keep that spot we really need to do better on our check in again. We can’t always rely on our archenemies to lose because their check in is worse than ours. Instead, we need to make sure that or check in is always better than theirs. To help in that regard we’re trying to get back on track to the normal attack schedule of 0.00 and 12.00 PST raids (aka 9.00 and 21.00 CET). 

Montly dungeonraids are back:
Because we love adventure, loot and slaughtering, but mostly because Valind asked me why we aren't doing it anymore, we’re going back to our monthly dungeon raid schedule. That means every first Wednesday of the month at 0.00 PST (aka 9.00 CET) someone will push the dungeonraid button. Be sure to safe your potions for this occasion and let’s see how far we can get this time.

This post is getting way way way way too long (I know you Scum have the attention span of a dead moth), so I’ll safe the officer part of this post till next time. Just let me hint, that there will be a lot of changes and that your help is needed.