Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Hey hey hey all !

Few things before we start. First, let me half apologize for the World Class Scum last Friday. What World Class Scum you ask ? Exactly.

So no, I didn't forget and wasn't too busy. I would have written something. No, my eBlogger went nuts! I couldn't compose anything, it was plain weird. I told Iola, but luckily for all of us, it came back to normal. Heh, I tend to do that to computers. Like, making them not work properly. Long lasting curse.

Secondly! I would like to introduce my new extra super incredibly awesome idea that will blow your mind out of your nose, which will be implemented to Soundcheck. That is called : Kami has laughed about others and got away with it for way to long, and it is time to laugh a bit about him. Luckily for me, everything is perfectly under control, as I will be the one making fun of myself. Starting today, you will all have your own intro song on Soundcheck!

That's right folks, I wanted to work even more... But I think it's going to be a funny addition. You tell me. All the intro songs are sung to the "Happy birthday to you" notes. People that have their Soundcheck already done will soon be able to go back and see the edited version with the song. Soon is not now by the way.

SO, all that crazy stuff said, let's get started !

This week, we receive the member with the most nicknames on our set. He is known for not having a single guild member call him by his screen name, and renowned for all the crap he says in guild chat. He was the center of attention for a while when he secretly dated one of the cute chicks of TST (but I'm Mr. Data, no secrets for me, I know AAALLLL !!), but he finally came out to officially announce he was dating Ciciz. We still wonder how she puts up with him... Put you hands together for Nargoth, more commonly known as, Narc, Narg, Nargi, NargipooNargipoofufusquishybrainssquarebottom or just The Goth.

It's your turn Nargipoo,
You will get it good too.
Even if you
Beg me not to,
I'll paint you as a foo'.
That's where you can laugh, `cause inspiration like this ? Jeez....

Once upon a time, Narg was still only in thoughts *shiver*  and two lovebirds were trying to make that thought happen. They meant well, really. How could they have known ? Nevertheless, it happened. Legends say the sky turned as orange as lava. It was raining fire, four horsemen went through town, and animal sacrifices were made somewhere else in the world. In the shut room, however, this is what was playing :


That's right folks, she defused the archdemon's anger! It's a smooth song even evil can't resist. The only problem is, he still retained "Killing softly with his words", which first of all is a wicked way of putting words of this song together, and explains why he's such a snake-tongue. True story, now you know!

So our little Nargi Van Goth kept growing and was soon a teenager, tall of his 14 years. He was a retorting  brat, maybe a bit too much for his own good. Soon, he had some kind of priest following him around, probably to exorcise the crap out of him. Narg had to do something ! He decided to play his best card: deception. So he changed his appearance, putting crosses around and even making a music video to fool the celestial authorities:

People say I don't know what I'm talking about, that Nargipoo couldn't have looked like that at 14 years old. Well you're right. But... demon ? Hellooo. All in all, he did confuse everyone, but that's probably just because he's confusing. The earrings are a great touch, no doubt Ciciz loves them. All that said, you can still feel Narc's influence in the lyrics (music influences you, but who said you couldn't go the other way?).

After a little while, our evil guild member got to 21 years old. As most of you know, demons are fallen angels (baaaad angels). Needless to say, angels cannot drink alcohol (see Dogma if you don't believe me). So what happened? We had a pissed off Nargipoo on the streets! Bling bling, yooo, here comes the big bad demon:

Everything happened like in the video. The first thing he thought was to destroy all the alcohol (he lives in Holland, I mean, good luck dude...), so he asked the way to the closest liquor store to the first guy he crossed, but again, Holland, so the reply he got was like... 0:44. He found a nice girl to show him where it was but the previous dude called the cops and they sent a big ass dude to pick Narc up (0:50, not messing with threat to alcohol in Holland). To get out of jail, he had to prove he was rehabilitated, so he was forced to watch a half-naked girl do sensual stuff with dripping water (1:06) and burn money (1:10) with a straight face. 

Needless to say, he wasn't able to do it, so they had to send the army with their big CAT boots. Hope you paid attention, they were wearing CAT boots (1:23). After some tests, they decided that the best way to rehabilitate him was to send him back in the city. He took the train with his best buddy that is mostly there for decoration (1:34) so that he could go walk in the eerie alleys with some unknown kids (1:43) that laughed at him behind his back (1:45). Then, it was the turn of the elderly (1:51). You know, rehabilitation.

But he was planning something. He was gaining information on the crappy police officer that put him in to start with. He found him too, eating some kind of doughnut. Got it on tape (2:02), paid for it (2:19), saw some mute girl scream over the scene (2:29), "asked directions" to a girl while running away (2:41), got cheered by some random construction workers (2:57), saw a dog somewhere (3:17), forgot about it (3:18-3:46), saw it again walking on a mat (3:47), put his head in a hole made through some plastic panel for the kick of it (4:02) before calling it a day.

That, my friends, is a day in the life of Nargipoo.

And now, you know !

I hope you enjoyed this amazingly long Soundcheck. I had fun with the last song, no doubt on that.
Stay tuned, as next week, we have a double entry : Zot and Mhorg! For those of you that guessed, congratulations. For those of you still not getting it: they're twins!
Now let me see how I can turn that info to my advantage next week... muahahah...


  1. now that we know it was Nargipoofufusquishybrainssquarebottom that you were working on, it makes full sense that it took this long to generate the sound check. We pity you that it will take at least twice as long to use the brainbleach to cleanse its memory from you and your system though.

  2. The funniest thing is that he's the one with the best songs yet lol.

    Not a huuuge fan of the third one, hence my sarcastic depiction of it, but it's still a catchy song. The second one cracked me up, zoom in, zoom out, zoom in again closer, zoom out but not as far but hey zoom in...

    First one, well to be honest I have a soft spot for it. If I ever go berserk and start a rampage, put me in a locked room with that song for 5-10 min and I'll be just fine.

    By the way, Quilp's intro song is up on his Soundcheck (Dec. 13). Wasn't easy, but made it make sense in the end lol...

  3. Who calls Narc, The Goth? They should be shot on sight! And no lies Kami. Narc wasn’t a retorting brat, he still IS. And damn Kami, you really have TOO much time on your hands…

    I must admit though, the songs fit Nargipoo quite nicely. And compared to some previous soundchecks quite decent songs too. Probably the reason he likes his music so much. He wasn’t totally screwed with awful music at the key moments of his life like many of the scum.
