Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Kula Shaker

Silly old me, asking in guildchat if people had any requests for today. Iola suggested things like Celtic or Indian or what not. World music. Burgh. But then I started thinking and there /is/ a band that would fit the Indian concept quite nicely. May I present to you, from the bowels of the Old Country, a band I have known and loved for a long time: Kula Shaker.

Its four members use a variety of instruments, like guitars, bass, drums and stuff. What? Oh, and sometimes they pick up the old sitar, tamboura and tabla. It's like the Beatles never got out of their Lucy in the Sky of Diamonds trip!

Right, I had finished the column and pushed "Publish Post" and all I got was a 404 Page not Found, eating up all my wit and work, so I am not gonna be arsed trying to recoup my funnies, so instead you will get the quick-and-dirty guide to Kula Shaker. If anything, blame the internetz.


Hey Dude


Ballad of a Thin Man

Now let's hope next week I won't have this silly problem. I kept my promise, more guitary thingies, and next week maybe even more guitary thingies!



  1. What? No bad funnies? Then how is this a Narc approved column? =(

  2. Why do you scum always leave it to me to be the first to comment Narcs music column? scardypants.

    I don't really like World Music (sorry Iola) and when I think Kula Shaker I think "govinda" and as you might understand I don't like that song much. So pretty much every festival I frequent and they play I avoid them (and until now I actually succeeded in that). HOW STUPID OF ME!!!

    They actually make great music... Hush and Hey Dude are classics that I really love... never realised it was from Kula Shaker though. So Narc... I'm a believer now... I've seen the light. Next time the play at one of the festivals and I'm there I WILL go and see them. (I'll still cry silently when they play govinda and the likes though)


  3. Show-off. ^_^ Glad you changed your mind.

  4. And glad you posted this band, Nargi. Thanks!
