Friday, January 13, 2012

Duncan's replacement perhaps?

Ah ha I think I have found him! Duncan's replacement as chef. Well at least he is setting up a whole wall of well ummmmm some mysterious recipes in plastic cups and held up by the ever so useful substance called DUCT TAPE!!! Which of course made Revliss the Queen of Duct tape extremely happy.

Any one ??? Any one willing to temp fate and try these new creations???? Anyone....??????


  1. looks like a wall of eagle brand to me :p

  2. It looks awesome... but... WHAT IS IT? And perhaps even more important... what is pizza doing there?

  3. It looks like someone stacked the cups to spill when someone opens the door. At least prevent them from leaving without dismantling the liquid wall or taking a shower in clear stuff. I approve of this scumminess!

  4. sounds like an awful lot of work...
