Tuesday, January 31, 2012

To all other gents, we beg your pardon,
but resolve is not all that must harden.
For, that lass in your life
that you may soon take to wife
has had a gnome in her secret garden!

- sbbenhcs, the green *cough* thumb *cough* troubadour


  1. just to bring some certain points to light:

    *quote* -Gnome ok but guild has tendency to "go through" them with a high rate of frequency. *endquote*

    yet you do have fine tastes in poetry. =p
    also, i just realized that "the scumbase" is NOT the name of this guild! holy shite, that's some discovery after some FOUR MONTHS of hanging around you guys! (honestly, it never clicked that i wasn't on the same server as the rest of you until i got bored at work and decided to do some sleuthing... )

    no wonder no one know's that i'm a lvl 179 gnome scout with a 94.88% complete scrapbook!

    apparently, scum truly knows no bounds... or server restrictions. =p

  2. I'm pretty sure we could find you a nice character if you'd like to join us ;)

    1. i was actually looking at building a gnome clone on s1... but the effort to bring him up to snuff? yeesh!

    2. schnebbs

      We have the info of a lot of accounts because the people playing them quit the game. So they gave us the info for us to use. We can't use them now because we already have a character each on the server and the cometh would come to get us, but you don't. We could lend one to you if you want to come around and play in our guild on s1.

      We'll furnish the 200+ character, but you'll have to provide your time lol.

  3. Haha! I always wondered on wich server you played. Already knew it wasn't S1 though, so never bothered to ask. Just in case you want to contact us outside this website: Send me a mail @hotmail.com

    1. keep your eyes peeled... if you don't see an email form me soon, you might have to actually tell me you address because i obviously didn't figure it out.

    2. but i DID figure it out... yay me!

  4. Your poetry makes the gnomish girls squirm, you really need to come into our guild and visit the dungeon... or the lilypad.. purrrrrr
