Thursday, April 12, 2012

Decapitation Contest

Are we ready for a new week and a new contest? These guys are! They are breaking away from their busy Shakes and Fidget game and Spot of eternal VirginityDom to stare upon the pictures I offer, and attempt to beat Kamisama's win of the weeks before.

Can you see Kami, Ghetto, g33k and schnebbs there?? I can! Totally. Ahem.

Anyway.... here are the photos. Pick one.. or all of them. Relate them to the Scumland of The Severed Tongue... if you cannot see these well enough, here is the original link:


  1. impressive pictures... the one with the arrow filled tigers looks pretty much like how I feel after a day on the throne in the guildhall...

  2. that top pic is so wrong in so many ways that its hysterical!

    1. I would name it: "A day in the life of Rev the 'stickemtothewall' bull"
