Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Thinking up poems
takes a lot out of a gnome.
I should just say "boobs."

- sbbenhcs, short and sweet (no wait... that's aa.)

I know, I know... three weeks off, and THIS is what I come back with? Well, it's tougher than it looks, having such a naughty mind. The limerick is getting too long (that's what she said!), I find I'm just going through the motions (also what she said!), so I'm going to have to work harder to focus my attention and refine my technique... (actually, she's quite pleased with my technique, so... BAZINGA!)


  1. huhuhu, he said boob...

    Thanks for the effort Schnebbs, you had quite a good run (and thats NOT what she said). Perhaps you should try to make it more graphic. ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. ofcourse you did, you have to be partly japanese to truly appreciate a good haiku ;-)

  3. She said lots of things. I think you boast. But then I remember that it was a man that first tried to teach me an actual inch was 5! Speaking of that, Your poetry was always the highlight of the week. how are you at riddles???

    1. BOAST?! ME!? never! (well, there was this ONE time that i... well, nevermind.)

      and if men sometimes lie about distance, then women ALWAYS lie about time. (the 3rd anniversary of your 29th birthday? c'mon...)
