Sunday, August 12, 2012

I ran into a comic a bit ago that I wasn't really convinced I wanted to follow. Not because the story sucks or because I've become more picky, but because I really appreciate great art.  I like color work.  I appreciate a well drawn comic.  Most especially, I like them together.  There's been a slew of pretty fantastic color art presented here, so maybe I am a bit picky.

The beginning of The Endstone is in black and white, albeit well done line work.  With this in its corner, I have decided to be patient until I get to the later color work.

The story is of the sundering of the great Endstone and Banestone .. stones never meant to be used together, lest the world befall disastrous consequences.  Kyri Thunderhead is the wielder of the Endstone .. or in the parlance of this comic ..  the rocker of the Endstone, which disrupts energy.

Her husband, Jon Montaine, is the rocker of the Banestone whose powers have caused him to be quite insane, believing the only way to set the world back on its correct path is to destroy it.

Jon used both stones at The Eternity Spire and it threw both of them into a stasis for 15 years .. long enough for their daughter to inherit the Banestone and become as batshit crazy as Jon.  The stasis has been released .. Kyri and Jon are back .. still intent on their own missions.

And thus begins The Endstone. Written and drawn by Anthony Theisen, it updates on Mondays and Thursdays. Although the earlier issues were a bit shorter, the subsequent ones have run about 40 pages in length. We're currently on Issue Eight.


  1. How do you find time to read all these? Even trying to only check the really good ones every now and then is almost a day work ;)

    I tried reading this one this weekend, but it didn't manage to grip me at all. Perhaps it is the black and white in the beginning, perhaps it is the fact it has the look of those old comics (you now with those bad storylines ;) or it is just not meant for me...

  2. Could be any and all of those reasons.

    I admit I don't read all of these .. I just try to bring you ones that look interesting. And so I sit down with a large cup of tea and go scouring the net hitting links upon links and checking the interesting looking ones. I look for art, I look for story mostly. Sometimes a strip will just hit the funny bone. I've got one coming up that is written by a 6 year old and drawn by his 30 year old brother. The minds of 6 year olds are pretty twisted.

    1. So what you are saying is; we should get more 6 year olds into the guild? ;)
