Thursday, April 07, 2016

Blatherings from the Bilge

Well I don't have the energy to add this information into my IC version of my story of my cancer so I will just post here what I have posted to my family and to my work teams.

well got back from the doctor and here is what he has to say..
1) the cancer is back (this we knew)
2) the cancer is just as aggressive as before (this we knew)
3) the cancer that they are able to see not only is in some of the areas that were previously resected but also in some of the pristine areas that had not yet been touched by it.
4) no lymph nodes currently involved (yay) so no PET necessary (yay) but that means no glowing in the dark (pout)

so here is what everyone has been waiting for.. next steps:

1) it is possible to re-resect my bladder and run me through another set of BCG treatments like they had but...
but.. chances are good that if they did that, the cancer would outgrow their ability to contain it so...

2) bladder has to go
3) placement of cancer is such that bladder AND prostate will need to go (I will let you all look up THOSE side effects as I don't want to dwell on them right now in particular)

4) with those organs gone, they will reroute the ureters that connect the kidneys to the bladder so that they will run into a small 'rerouting' that would use a section of my colon that they would have to create. This would basically lead outward to a spout on my lower abdomen so that my urine would flow down and out into a bag.

ETA.. roughly 3 weeks after I give the docs the go-ahead to schedule things
end result.. roughly a week in the hospital followed by approximately 6 weeks of downtime healing around home before I would 'feel up to moving about a lot'.

So.. time for me to process, mourn, and whatever else and however else this is going to hit me with in the next little bit.. but.. not really up to talking a whole lot as you can likely imagine.


  1. Replies
    1. don't know about why the formatting resulted in the screwiness with the post.. let me try again

  2. Be strong Greeney, you need to! Go and kick mother nature in the nuts! You CAN do it!
    My thoughts are with you, as always!

  3. Ah man, that is rough. So sorry to hear. Hope this will end it once and for all for you though. Hang in there.

  4. A lot to absorb...You are in our thoughts and even some non-scummy prayers.


  5. So sorry to hear this, i wish you the best from the bottom of my heart.
    Be strong and hang on

  6. Keep up the fight! There are solutions and there is hope! Kick mother nature in the nuts!

  7. Im so sorry to hear that Robert... This must painful for you... I know this journey is very challenging, but I am here to support you and will be there if u need someone to talk to. Be strong, don't lose hope and you are always in my thoughts. *Huuuuuggggggs*

  8. Be strong, be positive, and always show your love to your family and friends. Hope dies last we say here in my country, so never give up! <3 love from Greece

  9. Good luck from Down Under. Just remember that Karma owes you a huge Lottery win; which will also allow you to tell those insurance ghouls where to go. (This is Veha if my name doesn't show - never posted here before)

  10. Woof! Son of Dog says, "Sorry to hear you ended up needed such severe treatment. I sincerely hope this ends it once and for all, because if it ends here, you'll at least be able to walk. How much would it suck to be stuck in a wheelchair? Anyway ... best of luck, and remember that you know what to expect because others have gone down this road before you. You're not alone."

  11. best of luck on a turnaround of fates

  12. As a big fan of Liverpool Fc ... : You Will Never Walk Alone!!!
    Best of luck, buddy!

  13. Geez man, I'm so sorry. Cancer is such a beast (this is my pc version). You're in my with you for the long haul. ~Zimmi

  14. Btw, I'm still up in Portland but my daughter lives down in the Emerald city now. When I get my truck battery replaced, if you're up to it we could get together sometime. ~ zim

  15. Btw, I'm still up in Portland but my daughter lives down in the Emerald city now. When I get my truck battery replaced, if you're up to it we could get together sometime. ~ zim

  16. Geez man, I'm so sorry. Cancer is such a beast (this is my pc version). You're in my with you for the long haul. ~Zimmi

  17. Wow that's a dose, Sorry to hear that and hope things can turn around for you, be thinking of you. Woopy

  18. Best of luck, be strong against this fucking cancer...

  19. I'm sorry you have to go through this Betty. Stay positive and keep fighting. You're in my thoughts and prayers.
    Best of Luck

  20. I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. I will keep you and your family in prayer God bless.

  21. Thank you all for all of the thoughts. For the most part I am confident in the doctors and I know they will do the best they can. The worrisome part is just how aggressive this particular strain is being. That it has the doctors worried as well is no small thing I am sure you will agree.

    I am dealing with this one day at a time and I will try to keep you all in the loop but.. some days it is being all I can just to wake up, collect up enough 'give a fucks' to go to work and earn my paycheck to ensure I can pay for all of this mess.

    My sense of humor is still intact but is growing darker as this progresses as I am sure you will all understand. I just really couldn't think of a way to relate the findings in my normal manner without taking up all of the emotional energy I had left from a day of dealing with escalated customers and changes at work.

    Your words and thoughts and hopes do mean a lot to me and you ARE appreciated I assure you... even Nargipoofufu. and damn it.. keep that naughty nurse outfit AWAY from him!


    1. Alyxyn, I can tell you one thing. I look awful in a naughty or for that matter nice nurse outfit!

  22. Sorry to hear that m8
    I wish you for the best from my heart
    Hang on there Champ
    And as the Mad Max says: SURVIVE

  23. Hang in there and sly this foul beast! We will be here with whatever possible, at least our thoughts and hope!

  24. Well that is one fine mess green one. You are good scum; so put your best Scout Dodge move on the monster and watch him die. I will keep you in my prayers.

    Quilp the Round

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thats a hard hit. I hope you pull through this!

  26. Im new here and we dont meet very well. Cancer is a bad think but evryone should have HOPE ! Miracle is happend. I hope that a miracle will come to you mate ! I wish you all the bast !! and fight ! Never give up !!!

  27. My dear green menace. I am not a religious person so I won't pray for you. I will however have a word with the designer that thought cancer was a fantastic idea.

    Remember, when you do get a little pee bag, you can drink all the beer you want during a game and NOT go to the loo! That's a win right there! You can win drinking competitions! You are just cheating!

    Really, stay strong and don't give up hope. We have our fingers crossed. Ciciz wanted to cross her legs too but I said no.

  28. I really have no words that come to mind that can justify an "I'm very sorry to hear." Stay strong and keep moving forward enjoy the sunrises and enjoy the sunsets. Spend time with those you love and those you call friends. My thoughts and wishes are with you. Take care of yourself it's another challenge that I'm sure you can win. Also after reading the above post remind me not to ever try to see who can sit longer while drinking :)

  29. I wish you the best and I wish you strength and power to get through it.
    Here for you Dzen.
