Here ye Here ye Another chapter in the world of the high fashion of duct tape. Since the boys were so kinds to model their hats; I have to pick on the girls. And what a showing they did!!!

And there you have it the latest and greatest issue in the world of duct tape. So what will next week bring? Cooking with duct tape? Building with duct tape? Stay tuned till next week.

And here the first model to walk the runway we have the lovely Ninastar in her gown of duct tape twirling her parasol. She was quite creative in the fact that mounted inside of the handle of the parasol lies her sharpest throwing knives so I suggest you walk very carefully around her.
And here comes Zimmi walking gracefully down the stage herself quite lovely in her dress of shimmering silvery gray duct tape. I am quite positive that her weapons of choice are very close to her finger tips.
And there you have it the latest and greatest issue in the world of duct tape. So what will next week bring? Cooking with duct tape? Building with duct tape? Stay tuned till next week.
ReplyDeleteI love the costumes, really !
Maybe just put in the info on why they're being duct taped ? What level ? hehe
LOL .. that's an epic skirt, ZZ .. what stats does it have?
ReplyDeleteNice parasol, Nina. Loving the accessorization.
forgot to add the ever present brick that Nina carries around in her purse!!
ReplyDeleteI want a dress!! I want a shiny glittery dress of gold and green and pink. *contemplates stealing one of the other lady's purty dresses. "you think they are scumpond water proof?"