Thursday, September 22, 2011

ScumFlash: The Dungeon that keeps Cheating


Sadly, we didn’t beat the dungeon again (during that last attempt it evaded Bain 11 times… ELEVEN times… that is just wrong). We also didn’t beat our best effort of last week. Which proves that luck is a very important part of any dungeon attempt. 

We didn’t even have a perfect check in. But with only one person missing for either dungeon (luckily it wasn’t the same person), I want to applaud you scum for your efforts to beat this cheating graverobbing bastard.

Furthermore, I would like to thank all of you for your generous gold donations. But remember, you can help the guild more by maxing your stats then maxing the bank. So put that gold in your stats as much as you can, and only donate your leftovers.

On different news. Give your praise and luckwishes to Quilp Da Round. He managed to finally get that #1 spot on the Hall of Fame. Which makes him the 3rd lowlife to do so. We’re all rooting for you Quilp. Next time you’re gonna keep it longer!



  1. Congrats on sneaking your way to the top, Q. Feeling a bit fiesty at 280, were we?

  2. Grats Q! Now... how do you feel about a little backstabbing operation?? I have this warlord that is causing problems left and right . . .

  3. Congrats Quilp! Ksana told me she was beating on ya to make it into the top 10, but for you to reach #1, That is AWESOME!!!

