I ran across a voter's list of favorite webcomics and this following one was waaaaay up there. I'm totally digging the style of artistry, and so far the story seems pretty good. I'm only as far as Chapter Two, so I can't really do justice to summing it up, but in a very tiny nutshell it's about Alexander Carter who travels to Dreamland each night in his sleep.
With a back catalog of nearly 1400 pages, this one should keep you busy for a bit! Published Monday through Friday. Oh, and completely safe for you to read with the kids or for them to read without you hangin' over their shoulder.
Let me know what you think. Click on the title below ... or use the handy link in the Webcomics section below.
After reading 5 pages, it hasn't caught me yet. Either I'm immune to the sweetness oozing out from it or I haven't read enough of it yet. Will try again when I have more then 5 minutes to browse.