Hey all !! Kami here, for this week's.... humm.. last week's.... humm... this random World Class Scum entry! As you all probably guessed, I do have a few bottles of wine in my bloodstream, but I am doing fine, and can still write proper English, so I'm golden.
Let's get down to business.
This we..... time, on World Class Scum, we will be talking about Internet and cellphones, for which you are totally being *beep* in the *beep*. Let's be serious, what kind of service is Canada getting? Crap, coated with *beep*....
So how about I show you what it's like to have decent service.
Let me start this conversation (me writing and you reading in awe is my definition of conversation) by telling you that my roommate just informed me that she would be changing the optic fibre Internet connection we had, because it wasn't fast enough. Optic fibre, wasn't fast enough... Seriously ?
Guys, I kid you not. I come from a big-ass country. Canada is the 2nd biggest country in the world, after Russia. We got space, and nobody to fill that space with. Our antennas are not being put to their full potential, because we have all those idiotic companies fighting against each other to get the most money. So for lame places like Kenora, Ontario, with less than 15,000 people, the price of having 4 antennas (4+ different companies) providing waves for the few people actually holding a cellphone there, is ridiculous.
How ridiculous, let me demonstrate:
Yea, I took USA-based data, but that's because most of us are from USA and it still makes my point very clear.
So yea, all of you, you're getting it in the *beep*.
The first time I called to get an Internet connection once I lived in Japan, and once I found a decent-enough company to have an English-speaking person there, one of my first questions was : "What's your montly cap?". They said "The what?", so I replied "The montly limit of download and upload you can do a month. How many gigabytes can I download/upload monthly?". They said : "Well any amount you want... I don't get it...."
They didn't understand the principle of charging a fix amount for a fix download/upload limit. Like, who the hell would think about charging for downloads/uploads? Who would be evil and greedy enough to do that?
Who would think of charging $39,99 for the same cellphone services that I get in Japan for $7,95? (I'm not even joking here... it's despicable!)
And now, they are thinking about putting meters on our Internet consumption. Die in hell, I say! Almost all other countries are limitless, and you want a freaking meter on Internet? Like... seriously?
I'll be back home in Japan hopefully soon, but I know that Internet and cellphone-wise, being "home" will never have been so pleasant! Canada, SHAME ON YOU!!
All of you other countries out there, well, you can't be worse than Canada right now (evil since 2009, compared to 2007 numbers), so GO YOU!
All of you pissed off at their ISP or cellphone company, you know where to go...
Please, leave comments on how bad and lame this was. Might convince me of never drinking again! (Wouldn't count on it though)
CHEERS ! (litterally)
You got it right just before the bar graphs, Kami.
ReplyDeleteIn Canada we have to use more infrastructure to support fewer customers. From recent demographics, Canada has a population density of 9 ppl/sq mile, Japan has 836 ppl/sq mile. Using a very basic model (so basic it's incorrect and valuable only as a theoretical construct), let's assume 1 cell tower provides coverage for 10 sq miles. That would put 8360 Japanese customers to pay for that tower, but in Canada there'd only be 90!!!
Our government does create laws so that small towns also get coverage (and bus service, and air line service etc) - if not, only the major cities would have things like cell coverage and internet access, and that's NOT the kind of country I want to live in, so I have to help pay for that. :)
Population Density statistics from: http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0934666.html
(in japan) Yeah! hehe although there are indeed a few more factors comin in, the general idea is still worthwhile. i want a 30G upload cap PER DAY in canada too, not 10G download cap PER MONTH hehe. hey canada, we're not hatin, we're just pointing out a few things that could be improved on =)
ReplyDeleteKamisama: Blame Canada! Fuck yeah! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought Holland was bad regarding cell phones services and pricing. Thanks for rectifying my world view.
Darstard has excellent points and I agree with him.
ReplyDeleteThe whole reason why it's so expensive is indeed because we can't make profits out of the towers, there are just too few people for the immensity of the territory.
Plus, 70% of Japan cannot be lived on. It's like moutains and volcanoes and you just can't build houses there. So basically, the numbers Darstard said would be even better towards Japan, since 100% of the population is concentrated in 30% of the land...
Anyway, glad to know I got like, super fast replies, good to know you guys enjoy the World Class Scum!
Wait... What... Is it Friday already?
ReplyDeleteComcast anyone? Bleh.
ReplyDeleteI am spoiled - Whidbey Telecom ftw. -course It does help That I work there, huh?