Thursday, November 10, 2011

'Round these parts ...

In the hushed hours of the dawn, when the sky lazily shifts from deepest navy to indigo and perwinkle, as unwillng to face the day as I ... when pillows caress our heads and hold our dreams warmly ... Scum are out kicking cans around the neighbourhood, warblingly welcoming the dawn's arrival with a barbershop group of local alley cats,  and some are sitting around the pub swapping lies and braggery ... or just plain silliness.


  1. Well, to be fair... Quilp IS kinda round.

  2. Excellent pun exchange.

    Now get ready !

    ROUND 2 !! *ding ding ding*

  3. I work in the Round Office and not the Oval Office.

    My meals are all well rounded and not square.

    I live in the round cave and not a long cave.

    My family stays round me and not far away.

    I get rounder and not bigger.

    That is not the long and short of it.

    But it is the round of it.

    Cause I am Quilp the Round.

  4. No time to read this, im off for a round of golf.
