Thursday, November 10, 2011

El Pino and the Volunteers

Right. I will post a quick something on a Dutch band most of you will never have heard of but who make fun songs and even funnier video clips. Let me present to you El Pino and the Volunteers. Hailing from the same city our Ghetto is trying to hide from the police, Rotterdam, they have made four studio albums, of which The Long-Lost Art of Becoming Invisible is the latest edition from 2009.

The musical style is alternative rock blended with Americana. I will kick off with that I think is their most hilarious video clip:

There is No Cure for Stupidity

Another happy upbeat song of theirs is this one:

Black and Blue

And to finish off I have a quiet night cap of a song, a lullaby if you wish:

Wake Up

Next week I might have more Dutch goodies for you. Stay tuned for next Wednesday (or Thursday ;) ).



  1. Boooh!!! Hissss!!! Get off the stage!!!! We want our money back!!!

  2. pliss! for da love of all da Eff bootses ah hold dear keep yer shirts on!

  3. Except Ciciz, she can take her shirt off.

  4. A bit of a shame you removed your earlier statement Narc. Now the first 3 comments make no sense at al...

    Anyway, we finally have music (yay).

    I never seen them live, i never even heard of them before. But I must say it is very enjoyable and i would totally go watch them if they played in Exit or Rotown (local music venues in Rotterdam). If you like this, you really should check out Boatz.

    That first vid really needs a cat in the end... (come on... think about it...) And btw the bassist has a great face. Truly hilarious how he sings...

  5. That is Boatzz with two Zimmi's.

    check out mexican bourgeois for instance
