Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Yayyyy!! It's Tuesday! I know you've all been waiting impatiently for this day of the week for the most best column evah! (Yes, "most best" can be said. In my world anyway.)

This week, we cover the life of a smaller scum. If you scroll alllll the way down in the roster, you'll see him, not quite last. He is silent most of the time, a nice little ghost: Good Phantom!

But that doesn't matter, here we talk about music. And we have a different style of music right here! Hint? The first video is in colors, not black and white. That by itself is something. Indeed my friends, Good Phantom is a youngster, but the music of his life is still as good as yours (or even more in some cases). Let us start:

With funky hairstyles, weird clothes and absolutely no sense for a music video, these guys are the ones that first influenced our friend GP, or rather, his parents, while they were enjoying themselves.

There was a lot of shouting, lots of "letting it all out" and lots of teeth showing, because according to this video, that's how they rolled in those years. I just hope Phantom's parents didn't go to the same cloudy, windy, cold, dark, damp and totally unattractive place the singers went to when shooting this...

Nevertheless, our little friend grew and became a teenager. At 14 years-old, this is what was stuck in his head most of the time, for you ladies.

He could have watched this video over and over and over and never get tired of it (neither would I, come on). This is also where Phantom started having attention problems. His mother would ask him: "What's the song about?" and he would reply, his eyes never leaving the screen: "..... what song?" At some point, he simply stopped answering questions, which is why, to this day, he still doesn't answer in the guild chat.

Then, it was time to become an adult and get drunk like any responsible kid does when he hits 21. He was into it, you know! With his friends all packed in the car, they turned on the radio on their way to the bar. At first, when hearing the song, they all looked at each other, not knowing how to react. Good Phantom was the first to start singing along, knowing all the lyrics, and his friends joined in the marvelous hit that marked the end of his 21st year of life. "THAT's a girlfriend", he thought.

And they were all jamming and dancing and trashing in the car !! YEAH YEAH ZOMG SO 1337!!1! (By the way, she's mean, she hits people with golf balls and bully girls out of the bathroom, she's evil... she even writes in the mirror with her lipstick! Tsk tsk!)

And there you have it, Good Phantom's life in music. He's still looking for that aggressive and punk style girlfriend that was so alluring in the past. That's why he's got tickets for Avril Lavigne's concerts for the next 5 years.

And that is another great Soundcheck coming to an end.

I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you next week when we dive into Pizzar's life! Don't miss it!!



  1. personally ahd call that awful lipsynching on "Shout". *wince* remember that song well but it got me more lookin to Madonna's "Live to Tell" song from a different time period for some reason

  2. I liked the Tears for Fears song, but man, the video cutting was baaaaad.

    Santana's Maria Maria is one of my favorite songs, but I can't help wondering how many toxic chemical washes it took to get the oil off her body. And weren't those Greek belly dancing moves, not Latin? Tsk tsk.

  3. Damn that Shout video sucks... and the smug faces... "look we are in a crappy video pretending to care about the world around us".

    Poor poor Phantom, he didn't stood a chance. And with all the shouting I can imagine he said "Enough is enough," and spend enternity as a phantom instead.

    I must say i like santana, well his old work that is. Maria Maria is awfull, apart from the intruiging girl in the vid... sorry... where were we talking about?

  4. Thank you for reminding me about santana!!
