Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's this time of the week, when all of you gather around ZE column that will go down in history! You like the music, you love the video clips, and you learn so much about people. Yes, my friends, here is another Soundcheck.

This week, we take a look at our own pizza boy, Pizzar! Boy oh boy, aren't we excited! Let's get started!

You all know our little Pizza is an awesome guy. He's been rather quiet lately, but I'm sure he has his reasons. But let's see, what could you say about him? How would you describe Pizzy in a single word? I'm sure you all came with a word in mind by now. No need to put them in the comments, we don't want our friend to take it the wrong way like a certain someone did on the forums. (We're gonna burn through this joke soon guys, no worries. :P)

But you probably didn't come up with the word that would best suit Pizzar. Let's see what his parents were listening to while they were playing Bees and Flowers (fun game by the way) :

That's right people!! Of all things, Pizzy is funky! I know you're all making "aaahhhhh yeah yeah", "so true" and "tsk, I should have come up with that, that's so Pizzar!" comments right now.

And watch out for the light shows in that video! I don't even need to tell you when they are, you'll know without a doubt. Don't crash on the floor shaking! Oh... should I have written this up there? Oh well...

So our little Funky Baby soon became a teenager. Although a funky teenager. When he turned 14, his life was pretty calm. He wasn't looking for trouble or causing problems. This is what was playing on the radio, and he learned a lot from the video of this song.

That day, he learned that doing violent acts is ok, as long as you do it in slow motion. You can then also walk on broken glass, puncture yourself with needles and play Bees and Flowers with the TV. Well that last part wasn't so bad, now, was it... But back to Pizzar!

He grew taller and got bigger, and soon was 21 years-old Pizza. He was still funky, but sadly, the world around him wasn't anymore, and he was forced to suppress his funkiness in front of his friends. While in the car, heading to the convenience store for some booze, this is what was playing :

Blame the years! What are they saying in this? Bling bling women likes to have money and gifts, gimme gimme, no, then no booty booty. We all know our Pizz better than that. Number 1 hits past 2000 are... insert your own opinion here .

So all in all, I think our favorite Pizza got everything he needs in his funkiness, that's how we like him. We should work on a new #1 hit song called FunkyScum.

"Don't you take me to, Severed Toooongue.
Don't you take me to, FunkyScuuuumm.
Don't you take me to, Severed Tooooongue.
I need my tongue to, sing this sooooong."

A hit forever in my heart!

Cheers all, and come back next week as we go through Ziglabeu's private journal and garbage, looking for his past! Yayyy, garbage!!


  1. Wow, poor Pizzar. W/ music like that, no wonder he is the way he is.

  2. Hehe.. I just look at it like this:
    In funky town with J-Lo! While showing Madonna(When she wern't 'tired') how to fight bulls..
    Can't be all bad! ;)
    Thanks Kami.. Especially nice touch with that song there.. ;)

  3. At least it started off quite happy, but man... that Madonna song is depressing (glorifying bullfighting... really? How I detested that song and videoclip back in the day...) And Jennifer Lopez? Damn... Good reason to start drinking heavily if that is on the radio all day long.

    Great lyrics Kami, but I always imagined scum being a bit more metal, so I don't hope it catches on too much ;-)
