Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I took my lady out to the black forest
in beauty (and curves), she isn't the poorest.
She showed me her flower,
then charged by the hour
I'm thinking she's not really a florist!

- sbbenchs, the "holy shite is it tuesday already?!?!" poet


  1. shh... don't tell anyone i almost forgot to post today! i blame it on having to work this weekend. and wine. a lot can be blamed on the wine. =p

  2. at least you ALMOST forgot, some of the other scum around here forget all the time.

    Glad she isn't a florist Schnebbs. I hate birds and bees and... you know... everything cute and flowery

  3. birdz un beez aint too bad. 'Cording tah IBoss datz wot goes intah wot da Elfseses use fer parfume. Ahm currentlah werkin on squishing bunchez tah make sum parfume lahk it mahself. Durned bees kip stingin mah tho. :(
