Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas shopping can either be one of the things that you truly love about the season, or it can be a hell you need to get over with as soon as possible.  No worries, folks because I'm here to leave you with a suggestion for those people that are the hardest to buy for.

Yea, you've got at least one of them on your list.  The people-who-have-everything.  

I'm willing to bet they don't have one of these.

My job here is done.  *snicker*

Iola (sitting in for Revliss who is looking after her Mom this week)


  1. This is just... bad. :) Great find!

  2. HOLY CRAP! just had to say it.

  3. And no one commented on how the roll is supposed to be over the top. Good goin' scum. *sniff* I'm proud of you.
